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Can a Teacher ever be sacked? Overpaid, Underworked & Useless ( and possibly a paedophile)

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 6 June 2013

Teachers earn way over the national average wage. They have cushy pensions (paid for by grateful taxpayers). They get 75 days holiday a year while we all struggle by on 20-25. And in absolute terms standards of educational achievement have never been lower. Being deluded lefties they bleat on about bankers being rewarded for failure but are teachers ever punished for failure?

It seems that it is impossible to sack a teacher. I read with interest about Geoffrey Bettley a teacher of Religious Education who was done by the Old Bill for possessing kiddy porn. His school in West Yorkshire fired him but a professional conduct panel has now ruled the teacher does not "represent a risk to children or young people".

The National College of Teaching and Leadership panel said the images viewed by Mr Bettley were "not at the most serious end" of the scale used to categorise the severity of images of child sex abuse. His behaviour did not show a "deep-seated attitude which leads to harmful behaviour", it ruled.

The nonce is now on the Sex Offenders Register but the school, it appears, was wrong to sack him. Jeepers.  So it is now okay to be so stupid that you have to get your end of term reports rewritten by outside consultants, it is okay to demand lessons to be in walking not maths or basic English, and it is now okay to be a pervert and carry on teaching.

Now then , now then, now then, you want to earn £45, 000 a year, have 75 days holiday a year, not be judged on end results and get to gawp at young boys and girls in short trousers and skirts? You don't need to ask Uncle Jim just go become an RE teacher in Yorkshire. Have a cigar.

Just what exactly do you have to be found guilty of to actually get fired as a teacher? Voting UKIP? Telling the kids that it is okay to work in a bank when you grow up?  Get caught with online images from the Daily Mail website? I despair.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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