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The McCann Case: Am I cruel to be such a sceptic?

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 15 October 2013

To lose a child is ghastly. Instinctively you heart goes out to Kate & Gerry McCann as the world still wonders what has happened, or happened, to poor Madeleine (Maddy). But, should I feel guilty, for not feeling entirely sympathetic six years on?

I am not entirely clear why Kate McCann declined to answer a series of 48 questions posed to her by the Portuguese Old Bill which you can find listed here.  Kate cannot keep but help foisting herself on our TV screens, rubbing shoulders with celebs, demanding our sympathy and assistance when she herself has refused to assist the Police with their enquiries. Now that she is clearly not a suspect perhaps she might answer all 48 today?

The McCann parents clearly divide opinion. My own sympathies (or rather lack of sympathies) are driven by the way that they have bullied and pressurised those who ask questions using Maddy as a shield. The clearest case in point is that funds from the Madeleine McCann Foundation (Leaving No Stone Unturned) were used to hire lawyers which stopped a member of the Portuguese Police publishing a book about the case.  The book was apparently critical of the parents.

How did that censorship help find poor Maddy? It simply made the lives of Kate & Gerry easier. I am not sure that is what donors to the fund would have wanted their cash spent on.

As to last night’s Crimewatch…one man was ruled out, a few blonde men with no photofits were asked to come forward and we were offered a photofit of a new man ( although there were actually two photofits which looked totally different to me) who we are asked to identify. Is it a game changer? Almost certainly not but if we say that, Kate & Gerry go “poor Maddy” and we have to shut up.

There are hundreds of missing kids in Britain today. But the McCann parents have bullied the Met & the Politic ians into spending millions re-opening this one enquiry. Crimewatch appeared an effort to justify those millions.

I hope Maddy is found. I hope she is found alive. My head tells me that will not happen. If that is indeed the case how will then view this great circus? Or are we not allowed to ask that question?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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