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Outsourcery – When’s the rescue bailout? Crony Capitalists at work…

Tom Winnifrith
Saturday 26 July 2014

On 27th June, AIM listed Outsourcery (OUT) announced that it was holding a “Capital Markets Day.” Hmmm, this is an £12 million capitalised AIM listed POS with pretensions is it not? The company started with a raft of positive guff but then – if you had not fallen asleep and got to the bottom of the release – found that it was admitting that it was a year behind schedule and needs to raise cash this year to keep going. Now even prostitute researcher Edison is sticking the boot in – what it says and what management says look very different to me. Why would anyone refinance this train wreck?

The company describes itself thus: Outsourcery operates a highly disruptive business model as cloud-services increasingly remove the need for organisations of all sizes to consume co-location, managed services or small, purpose built private clouds.

Hmmmm all the right buzzwords in there (managed services, cloud, disruptive – a bonus for that one). Surely a sell signal.

Outsourcery said 

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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