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Serena Williams hand over your prize money to the disabled champs you old bigot

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 27 March 2016

Serena Williams is an amazing athlete but as she led the charge to get some sexist old coot booted out of tennis for saying women atheletes were overpaid she stands guilty of rank hypocrisy.

The sexist old coot Raymond Moore had said that women players should get paid less than men becuase fewer folks wathed their games either live or on TV. He was taking a free market approach and stating facts so Serena et al had him drummd out of the sport. Because it is not about hard data it is about rewarding the best athletes equally.

Of course we are talking apples and pears here. Serena is not as good an athlete as Roger Federer. He would thrash her in straight sets. In fact the World Number 50 in the men's game would wipe the floor with Serena. Men are just bigger and more powerful. That is a fact. But it is perfectly legitimate to say that Serena is No 1 in the womens game and Roger or Rafa in the chap's game so both should be equally rewarded even though far more folks want to watch the blokes.

What then about the disabled tennis players who now play every major tournament. Forgive me but I cannot name who won the men's wheelchair singles at Wimbledon but he was at the top of his game yet won a prize of peanuts.

He may have been watched by fewer people than watched Serena but as she has already noted that is not the point is it? So come on Serena stop being such a bigot. Last week you stated:

"You have to know of everything. I mean, you look at someone like Billie Jean King who opened so many doors for not only women's players but women athletes in general. So I feel like, you know, that is such a disservice to her and every female, not only a female athlete, but every woman on this planet that has ever tried to stand up for what they believed in and being proud to be a woman."


Serena please replace the word woman with disabled person

Now agree to divide up all the prize money going and let's divide it up equally What? You don't think that is fair? What, Serena, have you got against folks in wheelchairs?


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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