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Panama Papers: 4 times David Cameron refuses to answer the question re his tax dodging dad - why not?

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 7 April 2016

David Cameron's late dad set up offshore trusts to avoid tax. It was legal but in the view of many of us a tad seedy. Did Call Me Dave or his family benefit personally? Cameron has now issued four statements but not answered the critical frigging questions.

In statement one Cameron said it was none of our business, in statement two he said he owned no shares or offshore Trusts, statement three saw CMD saying his family and he were not benefitting from the trusts and statement four said they will not benefit from them.

But the specific questions we really need to have answered are:

"Has Cameron or his family received money or assets which had spent time in offshore trusts and what would have been those financial benefits had those assets stayed onshore rather than heading offshore?"

After four statements from 10 Downing Street it is still not answering these questions which really are those that matter. Why not? What is Cameron hiding?

Cameron has done his utmost to persuade us all that he is not a pampered posh kid. So he tells us he supports West Villa United, drinks "a pint of your finest British beer mein host" in pubs and goes on family hols in places ordinary folks go making sure the press shoot him pretending to blend in.

It is all a sham for Eton educated Cameron and one feels thatwhen he is finally forced to answer the real Panama Papers question, that truth of what a different world CMD has always lived in will finally out. Perhaps that explains why he is wriggling so hard to avoid telling us the whole truth.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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