
463 days ago

Here are some temperatures the BBC is not reporting on: can you think why?

Oddly the BBC’s climate change correspondents are not reporting on temperatures in Siberia this week. You may remember their pitiful attempts, aftering being flown in on a private plane, to show you how global warming is melting the tundra a couple of years ago. But following on from its fake news on the death of European skiing thanks to global warmingg, oddly the BBC has not been back to Siberia.


970 days ago

Let’s create an LGBT safe zone in Afghanistan – the political classes you pay for posture pointlessly

It is a lofty ambition but just how much leverage does the British Government have with the new regime which regards homosexuality as a sin punishable by death? Indeed, none at all. You know that, I know that and the chances of that changing are zero.


976 days ago

The wretched Tory MP for Wrexham, Sarah Atherton, plunges to a new low on Afghanistan

I have already apologised to the people of Wrexham for being one of those voting in Tory Sarah Atherton as our MP, in a seat Labour had held since 1935. If I could cast my ballot again, I would. To make amends, as Ms. Atherton serves up ever more reasons why she is unfit to be the town dog catcher let alone our MP, I shall chronicle her idiocy and sheer wretchnedness here. To make this manageable, I shall write up only her most horrific announcements. Today’s tweet on Afghanistan passes the test. Gosh she is despicable.


978 days ago

#IstandwithBiden – like hell I do but twitter does. It does not speak for America

Let me be clear. I did not stand with the creepy old guy back last November. I think the election was stolen and demonstrated why it was HERE. And after the most almighty clusterfuck for which Biden is clearly to blame in Afghanistan I certainly do not stand with him now. Now that impeachment has been utterly debased by the attempts on both Clinton and Trump, creepy Joe Biden should certainly face it as I explained HERE. But I am not twitter.


983 days ago

Joe Biden should be impeached for the biggest lies & humiliation in US history – Afghanistan

Heck I would not have voted for him and warned folks he would be a disaster so don’t blame me. This journalist warned that Joe Biden had failing mental facilities during the election when a fawning BBC, Channel 4 and the rest of the liberal media insisted that this was an alt-right lie and it was perfectly normal for a Presidential candidate to refuse to take any open press questions or suffer any real scrutiny.  Now folks: you reap what you sow. Afghanistan is the biggest humiliation America has faced since Vietnam. In fact it us more humiliating given the speed of the collapse from stability to helicopters on the embassy roof. And the lying by Joe Biden and others is off the scale. Surely it is worthy of impeachment, now that this is just a vehicle for political disapproval not a tool for removing a criminal President and given the relatively trivial matters that found Donald Trump, or indeed Bill Clinton, facing such an outcome?


987 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: feeling a real sense of national shame and deep sadness over Afghanistan... and also less safe

I start with this non financial matter as although the Mrs regards these as tragic events in a land far far away, I think of the pointless British deaths, of the increased terror risk back home, of the shameful way we are abandoning those who helped us of the shameful way we turned a blind eye to Industrial scale corruption. What is happening in Afghanistan is not only terribly sad for its people but it is also a national shame. Then I look at a pointless name change at Zoetic (ZOE) and of the spoof US OTC listing announced by Dispersion (DEFI) something that is itself a red flag.


989 days ago

As you shed tears for Afghanistan meet your fellow Londoner Roshan Salih

Roshan Salih is a respected muslim journalist living in London, the sort of fine fellow who regularly appears on the BBC and Channel 4. As you shed tears for the horrors in Afghanistan, you will be comforted by one of your fellow Londoners who sees so many silver linings in the cloud you bewail. One wonders if he finds so much about our way of life, such as a concern for women’s rights, so offensive why he opts not to flee his home among the decadent colonialists and imperialists of the western world and seek refuge among those enlightened chaps now running Afghanistan.


2059 days ago

We are told we must #NeverForget 9/11 – we have! The West is supporting those who carried it out – madness

On September 11 (9/11) 17 years ago, Al Qaeda – an organisation we in the West had armed and funded when it was fighting the Russians in Afghanistan -  showed its gratitude by slaughtering more than 3,000 of us by sending two planes into the Twin Towers in New York. Those Islamofascists sure know how to say “thanks”.  Today we are told we must #NeverForget and that the UK and US must carry on standing shoulder to shoulder fighting terror. This is truly the stuff of 1984.


2846 days ago

Nice: a reminder of the lies of two former Prime Ministers that shame Blair and Cameron

As the bodies are prepared for burial the war of words as to who is to blame for the outrage in Nice is underway. Fresh from calling for a ban on guns in America after Dallas, the liberals are now calling for a ban on lorries in Europe. Okay they are not. No-one ever accused the liberal left of being consistent in its prejudices or thought processes. But if you wander around the Internet you can see more or less everyone gets blamed somewhere.

At this point I'd just remind you of the words of two former Prime Minsters and I start with the war criminal Tony Blair.


2913 days ago

David Cameron tells the truth and is panned...he should stick to lying

Yesterday Dodgy Dave claimed that leaving the EU increased the risk of World War Three. That was a slam dunk 100% lie and some people pointed that out but on the whole he got an easy ride. 

Today David Cameron was revealed to have said that Nigerian and Afghanistan are corrupt. Well that is not an opinion that is a fact. According to Transparency International only 16% of the world's countries are more corrupt than Nigeria while Afghanistan is ranked as among the top 1% for corruption. It is in a neck and neck race to be the most corrupt country on this planet.

Naturally the UK gives both countries oodles of aid to be stolen. International aid is as


3559 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #74 – Eco-loos and blowback edition

My weekly video postcard finds me sitting on my newly constructed eco-loo. More on that in a later photo article.

The main theme of this postcard is the folly of Western meddling abroad. It was the great Dr Ron Paul (pictured) who coined the term blowback. The theme runs through Iraq, Afghanistan and is now playing out in Syria, Libya and the Ukraine.

When will our leaders learn and stop lying?

The Christopher Booker article I refer to is HERE

My weekly financial video postcard covers the uncertainty of earnings where margins are apparently supra-normal. Yes this means Quindell & ASOS. I also look at why the market mood has changed. It can be viewed HERE

Tom Winnifrith has just published his new e-book, The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from oil, gas and mining shares. You can buy it on Amazon for £6.25 or you can order a FREE copy HERE


3608 days ago

Tony Blair wants us to intervene in Iraq again – WE MUST put the War Criminal on Trial to solve our problems

We should never have invaded Iraq. As a nation we cannot afford foreign escapades. There was no moral urgency to invade and the consequences have been predictably calamitous – we have suffer almighty blowback, a concept I discuss in my weekend video HERE.

Tony Blair prompted that invasion. He is endeavouring to suppress papers which will, show that it was almost certainly illegal to invade.

Now the war criminal (someone who starts an illegal war is a war criminal) wants us to invade to stop the ISIS Islamofascists from running riot. I am in no doubt that ISIS are truly awful people. Some of their actions are also war crimes.

But Blair must accept that he has created ISIS. Saddam Hussein


3877 days ago

Sorry Abbe Aronson – you will have to go topless for now

Bad news for Abbe Aronson, the girl who broke my heart in 1985 – she will have to go topless for now. For Abbe requested a “Sefton is fucked T-shirt” which I dutifully ordered for her but had not quite got around to posting. And blow me down but a customer rolled into Real Man Pizza in Clerkenwell today and said he really, really wanted to buy one. The chap is apparently trying to get a mining exploration company in Afghanistan underway. If he ever organises a press trip, I told him he can offer my place to someone back at t1ps who really deserves a week or two in Helmund province.  Don't all say it - I am just too much of a nice guy. 

Anyhow, sorry Abbe. On that holiday you are planning (I really do recommend Albania) you will have to go topless. I shall order another one for you right away.

Of course you can pick up your very own shirt HERE


3901 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Monday - Sefton's Ellerton going to prison issue

Apologies for the delay. Well there is a lot happening right now. Following the highly successful interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt and Libya it seems as if we are about to intervene in Syria as well. Will we ever learn?  Away from the folly of our leaders my mind this week centred on victory in my battle with AIM POS Sefton Resources and its liar and crook chairman Jim Ellerton. Bully boy lawyers Pinsent Masons has yet to throw in the towel officially (heck why not rack up some more fees while you can?) but it is only a matter of time.

If you missed the victory at Pinsents Video please watch and pass the link onto everyone you know. I gather the bully boys are hating all this bad PR. Given its role in the Sefton dirty tricks campaign against me Pinsents deserves all the shit it gets. So please watch the video and pass on the link to EVERYONE YOU KNOW - it is  HERE
This week’s picture  is below. Please post your captions in the comments box below.


For what it is worth my entry is


3950 days ago

Sir Andrew Murray and Call Me Dave heir to Blair

Well done to a professional sportsman for earning vast amounts of dosh playing Tennis very well. That he hails from a country that has not had a decent male player since 1936 (i.e. Britain) makes the achievement of Andy Murray all the greater. Well done Andy.

However Call Me Dave’s reaction that no-one deserves a knighthood more than (Sir) Andrew is just cringe making. What about the real heroes? Folks who Cameron sends off to Afghanistan or Iraq and come back with their legs blown off? I never understand the honours system – it seems a corrupt way for the political classes to reward donors and lavish praise on folks in a way that appeals to the masses in order to kiss arse for votes.

Okay, give Andy a gong when the gongs are handed out if you must. But talk about it then. Don't just leap on a bandwagon when Murray is hot just to suck up to the electorate in such an overt manner. It is cringeworthy.

The war criminal demeaned honours with his populist touch. Cameron is, as ever, the true heir to Blair.


3958 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Sunday - Syria Madness Edition

I was tempted to lead on the news that a Tory MP who I had never heard of was given a standing ovation and embraced warmly at a meeting of his local association this week. For saying that the EU was a joke? That he believed in low taxes, reform of the welfare state or that he took a tough line on law and order? Be serious this is Call Me Dave's new look Tory Party and so it could only be one thing...Daniel Kawczynski outed himself as the UK's first openly bisexual MP. we give a damn who you shag but it would be kind of pleasing if you could cut the deficit/stand up to the EU, etc.

Now if an MP were to out himself as the UK's first MP not to fiddle his expenses that really would be something. Anyhow it has made Dave Cameron happy. Whatever. But instead I turn to red blooded heterosexual MP William Hague, aka the foreign secretary who would like to be a real macho man ( a great song by those other neo-Cons the YMCA) and get us all involved in the war in Syria. Wow after all the success we have had with our interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Egypt (in flames this weekend) lets make it five straight wins and send lots of weapons (paid for by the UK Money Tree) off to the Islamofascist rebels in Syria.

Please post your captions to this picture in the comments section below by 9 AM on Friday.

For what it is worth my entry is:


3987 days ago

Arming the Islamofascists in Syria – are we mad?

I see that the EU is lifting its embargo on arms sales to Syria at the insistence of Britain and France. Why UK trade policy should be dictated by the Evil Empire escapes me but that is not the issue here – the concern is that the UK is set to give weapons to the FSA ( the coalition fighting President Assad). This is sheer insanity.

For the past few months the Western powers have tried to show that Assad is a truly evil man committing war crimes on a daily basis. It is surely only a matter of Time before Tony Blair pops up to suggest that he has Weapons of Mass Destruction capable of hitting Britain in 45 minutes. The agenda all along has been to supply arms to the rebels.

Of course evidence on the ground shows that both sides in Syria are committing atrocities on a daily basis. William Hague may feel able to play God and decide that one side is better than the other but I cannot. Both seem utterly loathsome.
One thing that is clear


3997 days ago

Woolwich Atrocity – Nick Raynsford MP you are a shitbag in denial

The beheading of a soldier in Woolwich today by two men shouting Allah Akbar is a sickening terrorist atrocity by Islamofascist nutters. Quite clearly the two nutters are very much of the home grown variety.

And so when asked to comment on this the local Labour MP Nick Raynsford rightly condemned this as an atrocity but then just could not help himself from saying how there is a multi-cultural community in his manor which sees everyone exist in blissful harmony with the local barracks.  This will no doubt be the reaction of the entire political class, a class so out of touch with how we plebs feel that it cannot bring itself to speak the self-evident truth.

The vast majority of British Muslims are good folk who do not support Jihad and who will condemn what happened just as the rest of Society does. But there is a small minority of British Muslims who either actively or passively (by silence) support Islamofascist terror. And with those folks we are at war, just as we were at war with the IRA.

In those bad old days I remember being spat at as I ran on the streets in a London Irish jersey. But most folks accepted that while some people of Irish descent (like Saint Bono) sympathised or supported Saint Gerry and his blood stained friends, most of us despised the IRA and the men of violence. And as such it was perfectly legitimate to say as much.

Raynsford and his ilk just cannot bring themselves to do so when it comes to Islamofascists. This is not a race issue it is just a statement of fact. We find ourselves at war with a group who attack our very way of life.  Even if we condemn Israel (I hope we do not) and withdraw from our illegal presence in Iraq and Afghanistan (I hope we do) this small minority will still attack us. And we need to acknowledge that.

If Raynsford and a political class which grew up thinking that multi-culturalism was a basic tenet of their belief system which could never be questioned, merely spout more platitudes it will alienate we plebs even more. It will foster even more of a backlash. It is time to face up to this truth. Incidentally it is also time that Muslim leaders spoke as one in condemning such acts without any caveats at all.




4195 days ago

Buying a Poppy with gratitude but also with a tinge of resentment

I always buy a poppy. But I do so with slightly mixed feelings. Before you accuse me of not honouring the dead that is not my problem. It is that almost universal accusation that gives me the problem.

I have nothing but admiration for those men and women who are far braver than I will ever be and gave their lives for this country. And that is why each year I wear a poppy. I do respect them.


4197 days ago

The German who quit the dirty Taliban – The Decadence of the West

You may have read today about the unhappy tale of the German convert to radical Islam who has now quit the Taliban. The kraut is now on trial in Germany and is identified as Thomas U. The tale is a morality tale but about the horrid Taliban but about the decadence of the liberal West.

Thomas U managed to raise £4000 through fraud. He took this and his newly converted wife off to Afghanistan to join the Tailban and free the area of “infidel occupiers.” On arrival the Tailban stole his cash. He then saw the mangled bodies of three bodies of three dead Germans who had been killed in action as “freedom fighters”. He said this made him sick.


4202 days ago

Kill a Taliban and get sued in the UK Courts – Madness

Rashid Rauf was born in Birmingham. He was thus as British as you and I. But he joined Al Qaeda and was almost certainly part of the team that planned the July 7 attacks in London a few years ago which caused mass slaughter. The good news is that a US drone took him out in Pakistan. He was fighting a war against Britain and the US and lost. That should be the end of the story. But in our crazy world it is not.
His family is now set to sue the British Government for its part on the “murder of one of its own citizens.” The family claims that the British Government “illegally shared intelligence” with the Americans so enabling the drone strike that killed their son. Thus they no doubt want vast amounts of compensation. They describe what happened to their son in a remote part of Pakistan run by the Taliban as “cold blooded murder.

So what the hell was Rauf doing in what was known to be an Al Qaeda safe house in an area run by the Taliban? Studying botany?


4264 days ago

Afghanistan – So Bloody Pointless and Either End Game will be a disaster

How many British troops have now been killed or maimed in Afghanistan? In case you have lost count the score is now (at August 17) 425 dead and (at July 31) well over 6,000 personnel have had to be evacuated from the country as a result of injury or illness. Source MOD. These are terrible numbers and grow every day. And to what end?

Over the weekend we learned that the Taliban had beheaded 17 young people (15 men, two women) for having a party where they danced together. This happened in a “Taliban controlled” part of Afghanistan. The fact is that large swathes of the country are controlled by these Islamofascist creeps whose stone-age ideas of justice are abhorrent. In other places the regime of President Karzai is propped up by Western military force. But is “our guy” such a great guy?
