
2908 days ago

Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary - what he really thinks of the EU

Though not actually British, Michael O'Leary, the Ryanair (RYA) boss, is now an official ambassador for Project Fear telling us all that we must vote to stay in the EU or else. But back in 2011 he went to Brussels to tell the truth about what he actually thought of the EU, a body he described on that day as "The Evil Empire". Here captured on camera is what the pompous little prick really thinks 


2952 days ago

Will the Dutch People stick two fingers up to the EU today? My fingers are crossed

The Dutch are holding the sort of referendum the EU loves today. That is to say the result is non-binding so if the little people vote the "wrong way" their leaders in Holland and their masters at the EU can go ahead and do what they want and ignore them anyway. Welcome to democracy EU style. But the vote could be a snub to Brussels and for that reason lets pray for a No result.


2962 days ago

Twitter idiot rather than racist Matthew Doyle and Britain's 1984 Police State of Political Correctness

It will not take you long to find images on the internet of folks holding up placards in London demanding the beheading of those who offend Islam or with a Swastika daubed over the Star of David. Arguably such actions could be described as an incitement to racial hatred but if you search for details of those charged you will find no such records exist. On the other hand last week Matthew Doyle, a 46 year old idiot from Croydon tweeted


2967 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - what others dare not say about the Brussels atrocity & home truths on another mess from the ME: Gulf Keystone

I seem to have annoyed a lot of folks with an early article on the attacks in Belgium HERE but I am unrepentant and go on to point out a few other things most folks dare not say. From that mess created in the Middle East to another - Gulf Keystone (GKP) and why its RNS today is so bad and tells you 1p is the best case scenario. Then onto what was 3 Legs Resources but what is now SalvaRx (SALV) and why I find what has gone on just not acceptable. I also comment on stock manipulation, Sirius Petroleum (SRSP) and Gulfsands Petroleum (GPX) which I cover in more depth HERE


3630 days ago

4 Dead at the Belgian Jewish Museum – The silence is Deafening

On Saturday a gunman shot four people dead at the Jewish Museum in Brussels. This was an overtly anti-Semitic attack. A couple of hours later, two Jewish men were savagely beaten as they left the synagogue in Paris. Again they were targeted as Jews. Throughout Europe violent attacks on Jews and the desecration of Jewish sites, notably cemeteries, have been rising sharply for years. But few seem to care.

For this is the racism that seems almost acceptable in some quarters. How often have you seen the Star of David burned in street protests across Europe? Is anything done? Of course not. A recent survey showed that 35% of those in France held anti-Semitic views, in Greece the number was 67%. In Latvia where last month a school proudly hung the word “JudenFrei” – the term used by the Nazis for an area that had been “cleansed” above its doors - the figure was 28%. Against such a backdrop is it any wonder that physical attacks on Jews as well as less overt discrimination is on the increase.

In part this must be down to feelings in some quarters that Israel has over-stepped the mark. I do not hold that view but I am fully aware that others do and their views on the Jewish State may fuel their views on Jews in general. But in the end even if one abhors Israel that can be no excuse for discriminating or persecuting an entire community who share a faith with most Israelis but are not part of that State.

The increase in anti- Semitism in recent years in part comes from our own silence. Amazingly
