1749 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition 1 with Tom Winnifrith

Excuse my croaky voice. In this inaugural edition of the ShareProphets Radio podcast sponsored by Riverfort Global Capital, this week, in order I discuss the pot bubble, interview Nigel Somerville on Neil Woodford, flag up my next 3 FRC PLC victims, interview outspoken broker Andrew Monk, discuss why CSR is a waste of cash and interview Steve O’Hara of Optibiotix (OPTI). Enjoy. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


2856 days ago

Mkango Resources - spending Chris Oil's criminal cash on netball in boNGO boNGO land, CSR rubbish

Worthless AIM and TSX listed Mkango Resources (MKA) has today issued a statement saying that it is analysing some data it had already told us that it had acquired. So in fact it is telling us nothing new at all. But it gets better. It then gives details of its "Corporate & Social Responsibility programme." Jeepers. This will make you cry.


3953 days ago

Lombard Risk Management Corporate Governance - That's the way to do it

No this is not a boring piece about corporate Governance and the number of meetings that an Audit Committee should hold each year. Read on. I am making a valid point about the corruption on AIM.  Bear with me.

Generally I do regard the subject of corporate governance like that of the Corporate & Social Responsibility (CSR) of a PLC as an excuse for tedious people in suits to pontificate and then submit a bill to the PLC concerned. It adds no value, it hurts the bottom line and thus it costs shareholders cash. But just occasionally there is a serious issue.

The biggest failing of AIM (and indeed the LSE) in this respect is that Non-executive directors are in so many cases not independent
