
1411 days ago

Zarah Sultana makes another stunning pitch for the title of Britain's stupidest MP

Obviously this is a hotly contested title with a crowded field but Labour’s Zarah Sultana is looking to be in a class of her own. It was only a week ago that she served up a tweet which demonstrated an ignorance of economics that would have embarrassed my cat. But today she has trumped even that effort.


1415 days ago

When you thought MPs could not get any more Zarah Sultana

University (liberal arts degree at a 3rd rate institution natch), brief stint working for a charity then full time Labour Party worker. Real life experience SFA, Inate intelligence ditto. Perfect. Find a safe inner city seat and become an MP; you will fit in well. Welcome to the world of Zarah Sultana, MP for one of the more ghastly parts of the dump that is Coventry. It ia hard to know where to start with her latest tweet  which is below.


3895 days ago

Reader I married her

To misquote Charlotte Bronte in the last chapter of Jane Eyre, and having been outed on twitter, I come clean and reveal that the Deluded Lefty and I tied the knot in the Grim North on Sunday.  Hence the relative silence from myself and best man Darren, the driver of shareprophets, since then.

Resplendent in the same golden sari that her mother was married in 47 years ago, the DL looked amazing and following a full on sermon from Rhona, the minister at the DL’s parents church,a Byron poem and what seemed like a zillion photos we enjoyed a great celebration.( at a Byron family home as it happens). As the DL said in her speech there was fruitcake for my UKIP friends and, as I pointed out champagne for her lefty pals. Greek, Indian and English food left something for everyone. I hope everyone had a good time. We both did.

After spending a night in a secret location in the GN, the Mrs, is now off to a sociology conference at Warwick University. Hmmmmm. A Right-thinking person free zone on the outskirts of the post industrial wastelands of Coventry. Not exactly my cup of tea. In fact the word purgatory springs to mind so I am back to work until the weekend when a delayed honeymoon kicks off. I am sure that you can guess where I shall be spending a week writing little and NOT having ten phone conversations a day with Dan Levi.
