
1046 days ago

Joshua’s Primary school introduction day cancelled because of Covid – the cowardice of Wrexham Council

Parents had booked days off work, days at nursery were cancelled because this afternoon was meant to be an open day so we could find out more about the Primary school Joshua will start attending after the teachers have another day off from teaching in September, after six weeks away from the blackboard. But then, with just 48 hours notice, it was cancelled on orders from the local council to combat a surge in Covid cases in the area. Such cowardice and nonsense.


1231 days ago

Masks do not stop Covid Spread or save you from the virus - a chart from Florida

I have noted before, the hard evidence from Denmark that mask wearing neither stops you catching or spreading Covid. Hell’‘s teeth if it works so well why are we in Britain where we are today after five months of forced muzzling up?  Here is another bit of data for the mask jihadis to explain. It is from Florida.


2049 days ago

Malcolm Stacey heads to Russia in search of the Magic Money Tree - the conclusion

As you may have gathered last Tuesday, Malcolm’s long-suffering wife reckons that he has been spending too much time in The Punter’s Return and so has organised a holiday in Denmark, Sweden and Russia where Mr Stacey hopes to discover the magic money tree and an updated theme for his next novel. We left him  landing in Russia and having a spot of bother at passport control. In the last chapter of this series, our senior reporter has now updated us on his progress since…


2052 days ago

Malcolm Stacey heads to Russia in search of the Magic Money Tree Part 5

As you may have gathered on Tuesday, Malcolm’s long-suffering wife reckons that he has been spending too much time in The Punter’s Return and so has organised a holiday in Denmark, Sweden and Russia where Mr Stacey hopes to discover the magic money tree and an updated theme for his next novel. We left him speeding away from border towns in the money tree funded egalitarian paradise of Sweden ablaze. Our senior reporter has now updated us on his progress since…


2052 days ago

Malcolm Stacey heads to Russia in search of the Magic Money Tree Part 4

As you may have gathered on Tuesday, Malcolm’s long-suffering wife reckons that he has been spending too much time in The Punter’s Return and so has organised a holiday in Denmark, Sweden and Russia where Mr Stacey hopes to discover the magic money tree and an updated theme for his next novel. We left him on his way to “The Bridge”, but our senior reporter has now updated us on his progress since…


2054 days ago

Malcolm Stacey heads to Russia in search of the Magic Money Tree Part 3

As you may have gathered on Tuesday, Malcolm’s long-suffering wife reckons that he has been spending too much time in The Punter’s Return and so has organised a holiday in Denmark, Sweden and Russia where Mr Stacey hopes to discover the magic money tree and an updated theme for his next novel. We left him having just arrived at Copenhagen airport, but our senior reporter has now updated us on his progress since…


2864 days ago

40,000 very silly young people #marchforeurope. Oh no they don't

As the earnest young people, mostly loathsome students, gather in London today they claim that they march for Europe. it sounds good to be an internationalist showing solidarity with a whole continent. MarchfortheEU does not sound quite so good. The EU is after all, as even its supporters in the remain campaign admitted, inefficient, corrupt and far from perfect. Moreover it is loathed across the continent.

Switzerland has just withdrawn its application to join. In France, Austria, Greece, Italy, Holland, Sweden and Denmark there are growing calls for their own referendum and signs that in many of those countries folks will vote to leave. For what these young people fail to see is that across Europe there is a widespread feeling that the EU serves an business, bankster, media and political establishment very well but for the ordinary Joe, for the 99% it sucks.

Here in Greece, youth unemployment is 60%. It would be far higher


3276 days ago

Exclusive: Old Mother Worthington to list in Denmark

Aciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid! We can exclusively reveal that Worthington (WRN) is now in advanced talks to gain a listing and it is in Denmark.


3737 days ago

Twitter may be outraged but the Danes were right to kill Marius the baby Giraffe

Across twitter there is anger and condemnation of a Danish zoo for killing Marius the two year old giraffe. Pictures of his body, hacked to pieces, as it prepares to go to the Lion cage are everywhere. An animal loving nation is outraged and we are all urged to sign an online petition. Bugger off: The Danes were correct.

Zoos exist primarily to preserve endangered species. As a secondary measure they give entertainment and education to folks who will never see exotic animals in the wild. But they all have limited resources in terms of space and money.

Marius did not come from an endangered species and moreover there was evidence of in-breeding so his gene bank hardly served a useful purpose. Nor is there a shortage of giraffe’s in zoos across the planet or in this Danish establishment.  Meanwhile, lions need food and it may surprise some of our de-sensitized fellow citizens who think that meat comes from Tesco’s and does not involve animals being killed on farms, but lions are not vegetarians. Lions eat meat. And so to feed the Danish lions an animal somewhere has to be killed.

If it was not Marcus the giraffe (humanised with his human name) it would have been Cornelius the cow, or Cedric the sheep. If you want to keep lions in zoos you have to kill other animals. That is just a fact of life.  Faced with a lack of space in the giraffe enclosure and lions who refused the vegetarian meals sent in by well-meaning “animal lovers” in Britain, there was only one sensible option.

Perhaps those on twitter might let us know what they think lions eat in the wild? Tofu? Broccoli? Grass?
