
2294 days ago

The Madness of the West allows new genocide in Syria - we have blood on our hands

For more than five years the West has been pusuing a policy of madness in Syria. The authors of this madness were crooked Hillary, Obama, Call Me Dave Cameron and Frau Merkel. Only Merkel is still in office but the madness continues.


2801 days ago

Britain and America have Kurdish blood on our hands - yet the BBC covers it up

Last week the Americans held a press conference in Turkey in which the USA warned the brave Kurds (its ally) to stop besieging an ISIS held town of Jarablus and to allow the tanks of the fascist President Erdogan to cross the border to take control. That was bad enough but what followed has been far worse and our media, notably the BBC, has done nothing in the face of Orwellian lies and betrayal.


2807 days ago

President Obama and we in Britain betray the Kurds as we back the fascist Erdogan

Of the four broad factions fighting in Syria the only grouping we might all agree to be "nice people" are the brave Kurds. President Assad (the least worst of the rest) and ISIS use chemical weapons. ISIS and the Free Syrian Army behead folks, deny women and gays all rights and are all round islamofascist bastards. The Kurds believe in democracy, liberty, don't commit war crimes and their liberated women fight with the men. What is not to like about the Kurds?

Well it seems a lot. At least that is what our leaders think. In our desperate desire to suck up to the gay 


2841 days ago

Blood on the hands of Hollande, Cameron & May - when will they accept they back the wrong side in Syria

The papers this week carried graphic images of a 12 year old boy being beheaded in Syria. Ghastly, I hear you cry. ISIS must be stopped. Thank God we are doing our bit by backing rebel fighters in the Free Syrian Army. Problemo: it was those rebel fighters that did the beheading.

This is no surprise to readers of this website. Back in 2012


2927 days ago

As a supporter of Brexit I pray " can President Obama come over and try to bully us to stay again"

Dodgy Dave and team Project Fear could not contain their delight when President Obama came over and warned we Brits that we just MUST vote to stay in the EU. If we don't we can't trade with the US, ISIS will invade tomorrow and next time around when Germany wants to play at its national sport,  America will be on the side of the Krauts. It all sounded rather grim and Cameron et al could not contain their delight.



2937 days ago

EU parliament wants Turkish to be an official language in Europe - the writing is on the wall

Turkey is not a member of the EU but it is going to be, whatever those behind Project Fear tell you. As of this summer 75 million Turks can travel within the Schengen zone without a visa. And one day soon they will have full travel rights to come to Britain when Turkey gets full membership. 

Mr Cameron and the other figures of the establishment who wish us to say in assure us that Turkey wont be joining the EU with the same sincerity Ted Heath & Harold Wilson told voters in 1975 that Britain's fishing waters would always be for British fishermen only and that all we were joining was a common market. 

But we are not driving the good ship EU. To see which way the wind is blowing look at the EU parliament which seems to have no qualms about the fascist, gay


2937 days ago

The pope goes to see lesbians today but miracles wont happen

The Pope is today spending two hours on the Greek Island of Lesbos to meet a camp full of economic migrants, that is to say folks from a range of countries, but mostly Syria, who fled the safety of Turkey to pitch up in Europe. Now they are set to be sent back to Turkey in a sordid deal involving a 6 billion euro bribe and are protesting. I am not sure what the Pope hopes to achieve but I have bad news for his holiness: miracles don't happen.

It is pretty horrid seeing the folks


2940 days ago

Angela Merkel sucks Erdogan cock as she emulates another German leader

The headline is deliberately offensive for as someone who, pro tem, lives in the EU I am utterly offended by an assault on free speech taking place in Germany right now.

Comedian Jan Böhmermann read out a poem in Germany about Turkey's fascist President Erdogan. You know the guy who closes down papers and TV stations that criticise him and treats journalists as "terrorists" if they are not "on side". Erdogan demanded Germany prosecute the guy and Angela Merkel has now agreed to this.

Turkey wants to join the EU and


2969 days ago

President Erdogan of Turkey thinks journalists are terrorists: why are we giving 6 billion to this fascist?

By we, I mean the EU which is giving Turkey 6 billion Euro as a bribe to only export the right sort of immigrants (ie Syrians whether they be peace lovers or jihadis) to Europe. As part of the EU's Turk-geld policy we are also planning to allow 75 million Turkish citizens to roam freely around the EU from June and to accelerate Turkey's membership appliocation to join the Evil Empire. What could possibly go wrong? What's not to like. Answers on a postcard to David Cameron in Downing Street because Call Me Dave reckons this is money well spent and wants to be part of this barking mad set-up. I don't which is aother reason I am voting for Brexut.

As a reminder, Turkey bombs our friends the Kurds. It buys oil from ISIS and is the chief supply route of men and arms to ISIS. It closes down newspapers and TV stations that are hostile to the Government. And more than 2000 folk have been arrested for the offence of insulting the Government, that is to say disagreeing with it.

Terrorists are dealt with very harshly but who is a terrorist? Helpfully, President Erdogan has cleared that one up for us all. 
