
3639 days ago

Just wear an ironed shirt!!!

Are you coming along tomorrow says the Goddess by text. Cripes thought I: to what? Not wishing to offend I said “of course”….”but won’t’ I lower the tone?” I think it is a safe bet that I will.

As an aside just remind me of the details?  The Savoy at 10 AM.

Hell’s teeth I appear to have wangled myself in invitation to a City breakfast. I would rather have wangled myself into the Millwall Supporters Club Christmas Party, the deodorant free summer meeting of the local Green Party or a long weekend in Homs.

But I do not wish to offend the Goddess.

Another text:  “Wear an Ironed Shirt!”

I somehow do not think she is referring to an ironed Viva Steyn T-Shirt which I had laid out for tomorrow’s trip to London, I think she means shirt short with a collar. The last time I wore won of those was, from memory, in early 2012. I shall see what I can do.
