
1491 days ago

The sheer nastiness of some folk - Boris Johnson goes to hospital

So the Prime Minister had to go to hospital as his recovery from Coronavirus is not progressing as planned. The reaction on twitter was sad and predictable. This tweet below from a chap whose emoji indicates membership of the American Socialist party, being just one example. Once again humanity does not always show itself in the best light.


2587 days ago

Diary of a diabetic day 4 - I think I am getting better and so is my father

Day 2 of my battle to tackle type 2 diabetes showed just exactly why there was no way I could do so without shoving my keyboard in a cupboard and changing every aspect of my life. I had to go to London to do some expert witness business for a friend. So it was all on board the 4.47 AM having done a very early morning blood test which came out at 11.7 down from 15.3 the night before. I know that post fasting measures will be lower but even so: I was told those new zappo pills would work fast!


2854 days ago

Malcolm Stacey in Hospital Caption Contest Result

There were thirteen entries in the final Malcolm Stacey caption contest as you can see HERE. Thankfully Getafix is back from his time with the Quacks and normal service has now resumed. The winning caption for the picture of the nice young lady below came from Backwoodsman and is:


3071 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: Its 3 AM & Ive just checked myself into Hospital

No David Lenigas it is not the loony bin but Kalamata General. After my fall while picking olives on Monday I thought that I was healing and managed four hours in the fields on Tuesday, albeit in some pain. But after three hours sleep on Tuesday night I awoke at two in absolute agony. The guy from the hotel reception came to my room, arranged everything and within 30 minutes I was at Kalamata Hospital.
