
2633 days ago

Watchstone - the Curse of Rob Terry; legal bother in Canada

I have flagged up many times before that the Hubio (formerly known as the fraud Himex) and Ingenie operations in Canada faced serious issues because they had simply failed to deliver product as promised to major customers such as Aviva. Now it is out in the open with writs flying both ways. Oh dear...this is not going to end well for Watchstone (WTG), the legacy of fraudster Rob Terry strikes again.


2871 days ago

Watchstone - a Good day to Bury Bad news: more layoffs as Canada and Hubio fall apart

The remaining staff at the Hubio operations encompassing Iter8 in Toronto have been called to a "Town Hall" meeting at 11 AM Canadian time today so by the time their hear of their fate it will be after hours UK so any admission of what has gone on will be on 23rd June, a great day to bury bad news.


3018 days ago

Rebranding at the Quindell/Watchstone FRAUD Hubio - photo exclusive

Shot in the Watchstone (WTG) offices in Toronto today..this is rebranding on the cheap. Hat tip to one of our many sources on the inside of this  sinking ship..
