
2538 days ago

Donald Trump sucks Corrupt Saudi cock - truisms you cannot utter in the islamofascist jihad backing hell-hole

If i was living in Saudi Arabia I'd be arrested for writing that. If i was lucky I'd be lashed. Folks have actually been beheaded for making less offensive, but true, statements. The kleptocractic regime of Saudi Arabia has a human rights record which is worse than that of Assad's Syria pre-war, it commits war crimes on an Industrial scale in Yemen and it exports Islamofascist extremism and terror across the globe. Yet President Trump is blowing them off as if the Saudi Royal family were the nicest guys on earth. Why?


2841 days ago

How should a mad lefty Guardian reader react to an outrage like Munich?

Munich, Nice, Norfolk, 9/11, Charlie Hebdo the attacks are all horrible. And there is a fairly obvious common thread. It is nothing to do with ISIS, Al-Qaeda or Islam, it is how the deluded lefty reacts as he or she prays that it is a right wing crazy.

1. Tweet


2845 days ago

Lucy Williamson of the BBC on Nice - yes of course the victims are the Moslems

84 people in Nice were murdered by a maniac. A few of the victims, as on 9/11, were Moslems. The vast majority were not. But 100% of the assailants on both occassions were followers of the "religion of peace" as it terms itself. But in the world of the BBC those base truths become reversed. And thus the French correspondendent of Pravda, Lucy Williamson filed her report yesterday which opens up with the words.


2881 days ago

Orlando - an American liberal "its all about Trump" - don't these idiots have any values?

Sitting in the bar in my hotel here in Kardimili Greece an American woman in her late 20s looked at her mobile device and says "Oh my God, Orlando, 50 dead." She is a few hours off the newsflow so I I helpfully pipe that it was an Islamic attack.

"How do they know?" she bites back. Oh shite. I have met a liberal with utterly distorted values. Though she uses the word God she is almost certainly a non believer but is praying hard as we speak that the killer is a white Christian American who hates gays. Then she can pin this all on Republicans, the Religious Right, US gun laws and Donald Trump. 

But I guess the fact that this liberal has not spoken to God in many years and insists on celebrating the anniversary of his son's birth by saying "Happy Holidays" means that the old guy is not listening to her today. For I am able to counter " His parents are from Afghanistan, he is called Omar Mateen, he called 911 to pledge allegiance to ISIS before going in for the kill during which time he was heard to be praying in arabic." I reckon that might shut her up.

But no


2959 days ago

Twitter idiot rather than racist Matthew Doyle and Britain's 1984 Police State of Political Correctness

It will not take you long to find images on the internet of folks holding up placards in London demanding the beheading of those who offend Islam or with a Swastika daubed over the Star of David. Arguably such actions could be described as an incitement to racial hatred but if you search for details of those charged you will find no such records exist. On the other hand last week Matthew Doyle, a 46 year old idiot from Croydon tweeted


3235 days ago

The ISIS fighters have a spot of bother with Aids - oh dear

An ISIS recruit from Indonesia turnned up in downtown Raqqa fully aware that he carried the AIDS virus but bei ng a good fellow he promptly donated blood to assist any of his comrades injured in battle.  It appears that at least one of his fellow Islamofascists, an Egyptian, has now gone down with early stage Aids and he has also infected his 15 year old Yazidi sex slave.

Given the share and share alike spirit of ISIS at least two Saudi fighters were also allowed to rape the 15 year old, all in the name of Islam, Allah be praised, and they too are now infected. Who else


3383 days ago

Today is World Holocaust day, It is 70 years on – Never Again: spare a couple of minutes for thought

There is a candle burning in my house today as we think about what World Holocaust Day means to us. For today is the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. I spent some of the weekend discussing what happened there with my daughter and the issues it raises for all of us today as we confront an alarming increase in anti-semitism but also the demonization of those following another religion, Islam.


3749 days ago

Reflecting as we mark World Holocaust Day in this home

On this day in 1945 the Red Army entered Auschwitz to encounter industrial scale horrors. Hence today is World Holocaust Day, 24 hours to reflect and ponder. In this household, as in homes across the world, we are burning a candle as a sign that we will not forget.

It is important to make a positive effort not to forget when one faces a daily barrage from those who either deny the holocaust, those who seek to diminish its importance by claiming that numbers were inflated or, worst of all, those who trivialise it by describing any event as a holocaust.

There are places in the world where deaths occur driven by hatred, intolerance and anger. But perhaps only in Cambodia and Ruanda have we seen anything on the scale of the holocaust where genocide was committed against an entire race on an industrial scale with the intent of wiping out that race. Those who use the term holocaust liberally to describe any death seek to trivialise true evil.  In doing so they become apologists for evil. And yes folks like David Ward MP, Baroness Tongue and others I am talki9ng about you.

In not forgetting


4290 days ago

Albania and Islam – not downtown Tehran or the Whitechapel Road: The short skirt test

This is nominally a Muslim country – 80% of the population are believers in Islam with the rest split between Orthodox Christianity and Catholicism. But most surveys show that the vast majority of Albanians, including Miss Albania pictured above, do not really care. But you cannot avoid the symbols of Islam, even if its effect is hard to see. As I arrived at Sarandra the building that stood out among the 6-8 story blocks that make up the City was the minaret of the Mosque. And, however many times a day it is, the Imam calls the faithful to prayer over loudspeakers. Not with much effect.

The behaviour of the folk here would shock any resident of Tehran or Whitechapel. In three days I have seen one woman wearing a Hajib. But I have also seen one shop selling the sort of ladies underwear that leaves very little to the imagination and which, I imagine, will not be opening up a second outlet in Cairo, Bagdhad or Gaza City any time soon.

On the beach women go topless although that tends to be when lying face down on a sun lounger, in the sea modesty is preserved. But the young ladies wander around in the sort of short skirts you associate with Geordie lasses on a night on the town
