2996 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19 Feb - Criminal Chris Oil will not know what has hit him.

The lying criminal Chris Oil has threatened me with physical violence and subsequently challenges me to a boxing match. Okay you little twerp, I accept (see here) and I muse on that point on day 5 as an ex-smoker. Elsewhere I look at the barking mad maths of Milestone Group (MSG) then at Madagascar Oil (MOIL), APC Technology (APC), WanDisco (WAND) and some more obvious lower risk zeros as well as Totally (TLY). 


2998 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 15 Feb: 88 Energy, Fast Forward, Magnolia - it's all bollocks

All sorts of crap shares are going up today and some that are not crap but are just insanely overvalued. In a podcast riddled with bad langauge I discuss 88 Energy (88E), Fast Forward (FFWD), Phorm (PHRM), Hornby (HRN) and Glenwick (GWIK) among the risers and among the fallers I look at Auhua Clean (ACE), All Leisure (ALLG), Iofina (IOF), ETherapeutix (ETX), the frauds Jiasen (JSI) and Aquatic Foods (AFG) and finally I ask all the advisors (nomad, broker PR flunkies) to Magnolia (MAGP) just show shabby and dirty they feel today. If I was them I would feel sordid and ashamed. They are all beneath contempt.
