
1243 days ago

Judge Jonathan Bennett & the unrepentant serial rapist – a lesson in why I increasingly despise the liberal judiciary

Muhammad Jan refused to admit his guilt. So his victims, street working prostitutes in Derby had to give evidence in Court. It was too much for some but enough came forward to see the 24 year old convicted – after the jury deliberated for four hours – of two counts of rape, one of attempted rape and three counts of sexual assault against four different sex workers in the latter part of 2019.


3723 days ago

Monitise – even researcher for hire Edison slashes forecasts as it worries about costs of sales

The headline on Edison’s note on Monitise (MONI) out today is bullish “FY 2014 Growth on Track” but then Edison is paid to write this note. Prostitutes do not tell their clients that they had bad breath and a small dick. Read the text and massive cuts to forecasts for the real story. Sorry Monitise but size (of your cashburn) and tumbling forecasts, does matter. 

 To enormous abuse from Bulletin Board morons I have expressed my own concerns about Monitise recently HERE
