
1236 days ago

Why is it that those on the left are natural mask fanatics - meet Miashadow7606

Wearing a mask will not save you from catching or spreading anything. Don’t trust me but trust the science your leaders and the media do their best to suppress. However, there are some right old zealots out there. Meet Miashadow7606.


2131 days ago

What the BBC, CNN and the Guardian just will not say about Trump, the illegal migrants & the polls

The BBC and its sister publication the Guardian had a weekend wankfest as large crowds gathered to protest against policies Donald Trump had already rescinded to deal with illegal migration across the Mexican border. But their coverage failed to show what is really happening. They are in denial as they serve up non-stop fake news.


2468 days ago

French Embassy London - shame on you for being lying EU loving froggie scumbags as you discuss #Passchendaele100

I noted earlier today that World War One was pointless and that folks rewrite history aggressively to show otherwise. But the Nobel prize for rewriting WW1 history goes to the French Embassy in London as this tweet below demonstrates. Linking the slaughter of Flanders to the peace in Europe created by the EU is tasteless as well as wrong. Perhaps the lying Froggies might wish to discuss NATO, Bosnia, The Ukraine, the Basque conflict, Cyprus, EU funding of Hamas killers, how Reagan & Thatcher delivered the end of the cold war with policies most EU nations opposed and many other matters.


2847 days ago

Renewing Trident - Jeremy Corbyn is correct, Theresa May is willie waving and silly (again)

The issue of Britain's nuclear deterrent is a one that shows our political class at their most base and deceitful. For once, Comrade Corbyn is bang on the money in his opposition and, in what is becoming par for the course, Theresa May seems just incapable of telling the truth.


2903 days ago

New poll again shows UK liberal media 100% wrong on Trump as GOP voters unite, Dems splinter, the Donald gets record traction with non-whites

The liberal British media could not get enough Republicans to go on camera saying how they's rather suck Bill Clinton's cock than vote for Donald Trump. Inside the bubble that is Washington DC, folks like Kylie "beltway" Morris of C4 news span the narrative again and again that the GOP would splinter and not back Trump and so he could not win. As such the latest polls show at every level that Kylie et al really just cannot get this contest any more wrong.

The headline is a good place to start on the latest ABC/Washington News poll. Trump is on 46%, crooked Hillary is on 44%. Yes Trump is winning. But its the breakdown that is more fascinating.

What percentage of Republicans who did not vote for Trump in the primaries will vote for Hillary in the General? It is just 11% ( down from 20% in March). So 11% of c40% of GOP voters are backing crooked Hillary - that would be just over 4%. The rest are backing The Donald. that looks like a pretty united party to me with pretty much everyone bar Mitt Romney, and the effete Country Club Republicans who lead the party to electoral disaster in the past two contests, backing Trump. 

But over with the Dems it is rather different. 20% 


2943 days ago

Pssssst Don't Tell the British liberal media elite but blacks don't hate Donald Trump for being a racist

Listening to beltway liberal Kylie Morris on C4 or to the BBC's legion of taxpayer funded reporters it is clear that black Americans hate Donald Trump because he is a racist. That is a given right? No disputes it is what David Cameron might term a fact. Er... don't tell Kylie but it is not actually what the hard data demonstrates. Kylie's telling porkies again.
