
3983 days ago

#RadFem 2013 – Conference NOT cancelled – mad feminists celebrate: Wonderful quotes!

The London Irish centre was reported to have cancelled a conference called RadFem2013 citing the fact that it appears to engage in “transphobia” whatever that is.

But I am absued on twitter as a "moron" by some nutter who insists that it is going ahead. The same nutter @heresthebs who tweeted a quote a few days ago "This whole world is based on male fantasies. Women just are expected to live them." Right, Melissa from near Philly you are clearly bonkers.

As a believer in free speech I am naturally delighted that this event is to go ahead even though as the quotes below make abundantly clear the radical feminists who were planning to attend were all completely stark raving mad.  I really can add nothing to the quotes below - they say it all:

Luckynkl: SCAMs (Surgically and Chemically Altered Males) are nothing more than MRAs (Men’s Rights Activists) in dresses.
MaggieH: [Males are] Fucking mutants. When will there ever be a male-only deadly disease taking over the earth to put them out of their misery, huh?
Bonobabe: Personally, I think we should do away with circumcision and replace it with castration.

WhiteTiger: If we’re going that road, why not just cull boy babies for awhile? Re-establish a sane balance. Then we can start selective breeding programs for donor males… [To cull means to reduce the population of by selective slaughter.]
Luckynkl: So if we can come up with a biological weapon that can be ingested and kill off the Y Chromosome in a man’s sperm count, we’re almost home. We can all get hired as waitresses or chefs or work at McDonald’s and sprinkle it into the food or something… It’s not a quick solution. It will take about 2 generations to cull males. But it will work.

Bev Jo: [Transgender Women Are] Male supremacists

