566 days ago

The best time to visit mainland Greece is the autumn – November sea swims are fab

The last guests of the year arrive at the Greek Hovel today. It is October but the sun has kept the pool warm and it stays open until the end of the month. Then it shuts down until April. But you can still swim in the sea in November and it will be a lot warmer than Whitby in August. In fact, the best time to visit Greece is about now. For starters, everything from air flights to hotels (and hovels) are so much cheaper.


2889 days ago

It is one of those times when I actually want a cigarette

I've been nicotine clean now for three months and three weeks exactly and the urge to have "just one" cigarette is now really pretty rare. But I must admit to having such an urge just now.


2935 days ago

Tom Winnifrith late Bearcast: Blame Bill frigging Gates, bloody Walsall, Bodie, Doyle & Cowley

This bearcast and your newsletter are late for a range of reasons including my sickness; taking the Mrs to start a 3 AM journey to fill impressionable young minds in Finland with lefty nonsense; dealing with Bill Bloody Gates; morons from the Walsall Shit Hole and also Bodie, Doyle & Cowley, The Professionals. In the podcast itself I cover Watchstone (WTG), Rosslyn Data (RDT), Fitbug (FITB), Rose Petroleum (ROSE), SeaEnergy (SEA), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and in great detail LGO Energy (LGO). I urge you to read the piece today on SP Angel. Read it carefully my friends!


2936 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 14 April: Dancing on the graves of Ruspetro & Gulf Keystone

Lucian will be here soon so I thought Id better record ahead of our trip to the Conservative Club with its tempting cheap beer. On the agenda I fail to mention that Finncap are complete and utter bastards but they are. I do, however, cover Ruspetro (RPO), Gulf Keystone (GKP), SeaEnergy (SEA), Rose Petroleum (ROSE), Sierra Rutile (SRX), Burberry (BRBY), Mothercare (MTC), a couple of Paul Scott jokes - please do not tell me he has any friends in the Mothercare management community that he thinks I may be offending - as well as a word or two on Challenger Acquisitions (CHAL) 


2981 days ago

SeaEnergy - Let's Cut to the Chase - Its fucked

We have for some time suggested that offshore energy services business SeaEnergy (SEA) was a bargepole stock. The company has pretended otherwise, by taking on more debt and by issuing infuriating releases about how shareholders were funding management to go get pissed at black tie awards ceremonies. Today, SeaEnergy fessed up: The Sheriff & Deputy Sheriff of AIM were right all along. We usually are.


3082 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 25 November - back in the UK so some sexist comments and bad language for you all

To misquote the Beatles I am back in the EU.S.S.R and so this podcast again contains bad language and sexist comments. I am off the leash again. In it I naturally mention David Lenigas ..more on Jabba tomorrow. Then it is onto SeaEnergy (SEA), Clontarf (CLON), Weatherly (WTI), Tungsten (TUNG), Odey Asset Management, Kefi (KEFI) and a Russian hairdresser with very large breasts.


3125 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 13 October - back to swearing at Big Dave, Fatty and all the other scumbags

In today's podcast I look at yesterday's Quindell (QPP) news, Big David Lenigas and his ramping and personal abuse (if he wants a war then I'm up for it), Golden Saint Resources (GSR) and what Roland "Fatty" Cornish should do now, Sefton Resources (SER), Galantas Gold (GAL), Auhua Clean Energy (ACE), long term AIM dog Image Scan Holdings (IGE) and SeaEnergy (SEA)


3129 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 October - Prof Ben Edelman has a word for us all

In today's podcast I get a little help from Professor Ben Edelman as I discuss: blinkx (BLNX), Iofina (IOF), Adgorithms (ADGO), SeaEnergy (SEA) and Sefton Resources (SER). I have avoided mentioning Paul Scott since he has declined to send me any more tips on his guidance for healthy living for at least 48 hours. 


3131 days ago

SeaEnergy news today – you make me so angry you crony capitalist bastards

When the great libertarian revolution comes the board of SeaEnergy (SEA) will be among the first of the crony capitalists to be rounded up by the newly privatised police force and put up against the wall – a release today just fills me with utter disgust.


3131 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 7 October - can life get any worse? Paul Scott gives me advice on healthy living

In today's podcast I reveal how Paul Scott thinks we can all attain the body beautiful. I then move on to discuss Iofina (IOF), madness, sheer madness on buy to let, Grafenia (GRA), Botswana Diamonds (BOD), Boxhill Tech (BOX), JQW (JQW), Jiasen (JSI) and the crony capitalist beanfeast tomorrow YOU are paying for at the AIM awards dinner. I am angry about that and also discuss, in anger, SeaEnergy (SEA) and Eclectic Bars (BAR)


3152 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 16 September - All My Christmases at once

Jeremy Corbyn was right not to sing the Natonal Anthem and its a poor song anyway - that was my earlier podcast today which you can hear HERE. In terms of the markets it is all my Christmases at once - a chance to comment on friends including the greedy bastards who run Vislink (VLK), fraudster Rob Terry, Daniel Stewart (DAN), Imaginitik (IMTK), ValiRx (VAL), Motive TV (MTV) and also on SeaEnergy (SEA) and Avanti Communications (AVN). Then there is comment on the bad AGM result at Hotel Corp (HCP) - victory for the crony capitalist bastards on the board - all that is wrong about AIM. And I start with words of praise for my pal Jim Mellon noting events at Copper Development (CDC) and also at Glencore (GLEN) - is this a Burmah Castrol moment?
