
2761 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Gays, Statistics, Conman Windham, & Apps for halfwit millennials

I start on the issue of hate crimes against gays and Brexit and the Guardian just showing it does not understand data analysis as it spreads palpable lies - see HERE. Then it is onto comedy central with Conman Windham and apps for millennials via Valiant Investments. You really could not make this up. I comment on Eurasia Mining (EUA), Golden Saint Resources (DOGWITHFLEAS), Pittards (PTD) and Kefi (KEFI).


3578 days ago

Bango is your record the most shocking on AIM and when is the cash call?

Does Bango (BGO) deserve some sort of award for its record for not making profits? The company was established in 1999, floated on the AIM Cesspit in 2005 and is still not actually making a profit? To date investors have lapped up its jam tomorrow story of enabling folks to make payments via apps, etc. and circa £25 million has gone to money heaven. But surely as yet another cash call looms this farce cannot pay on forever?

The circa £25 million number comes from retained losses plus capitalised costs. Yes, like all loss making tech plays Bango is a keen capitaliser of costs. The P&L looks less abject but the cash is still heading out of the door.

At the end of 2013
