
587 days ago

Picture Article Sharestock 2022, Noon to Two

By noon, thanks to the verbose Peter Brailey, we were running late and thus lunch arrived while I did a double act with Boatman Capital which I really enjoyed. Great analysis from him and a few jokes thrown in as we talked about some crooks and some overvalued stocks not run by crooks. And we talked about transparency and short selling.


587 days ago

Picture Article Sharestock 2022, 10 AM to c12

Folks carried on tucking into croissants however much I urged them to go to the main tent. The home made jam was just so good. But the cat was patient and still waiting for us and Gabriel Grego was ready and, later than scheduled Lucian and I kicked the day off. We over-ran too but talked about a lot of crooks.


963 days ago

BREAKING BOMBSHELL: Umuthi - The Standard List fraud that exposes the slime at the heart of the City of London, part 8: the resignation of Memery Crystal

So far you have met the fraudster Queen, the other South Africans on the board who are mired in this fraud and an enabler, broker Pello and its boss Andy Frangos who are also deeply implicated in  the Umuthi (UHS) bezzle and the patsy UK NED Colin Bloom - now since resigned. Then we established that nobody actually knows how many shares there are in issue. and finally we established that there is almost certainly no real business at Umuthi whatever it accounts state!  And then we exposed the red flags over auditors and the enablers at Jeffreys Henry. Now we turn to the resignation of lawyers Memery Crystal a firm I have thrice beaten off after it sent fascist bully boy letters threatening me on behalf of crooks like Chris Cleverly. Memery was lawyer to Umuthi. 


1100 days ago

Does the tide of Tory sleaze matter? As ever, the late Christopher Booker has the answer

Gosh I miss my late uncle Chris and our hour long, weekly, chats that would just go on and on skipping from topic to topic almost seamlessly. He may have founded Private Eye but we both did the jokes. We both have a history of falling out with folks and made sure that we had no such bust ups so if we disagreed as we did just now and again there was always a workaround. So we disagreed on Brexit as he regarded me as a “no deal” hard line fruitcake and I wore that badge with honour. But rather than debate it we just agreed that Theresa May was the worst Prime Minister in history, laughed and moved on. Back in the nineties those chats would see us spending some time on Tory sleaze. You remember that MP who shared a bed with another chap and said he was doing it to save money? The jokes wrote themselves back then.


2823 days ago

Wakey wakey liberal British Media - the real breaking story is not Trump gaffes but Crooked Hillary's Crookedness

Yet again the British media was last night pumping out more stories about Donald Trump gaffes. The beltway classes think that what he says is big news and has The Donald sunk in the Presidential Race. By my calculations that is about the 9,784th time that the BBC, Channel 4, the Guardian and the liberal press pack have written the Trump political obituary. One day they will be right. But so far they have been wrong 9,783 times with no apology. The bigger stories which they are not reporting are the growing scandals surrounding crooked Hillary.


3331 days ago

Afren the RNS it forgot to release on Friday – it has brought in the SFO in to catch the crooks

I bring you below an Afren (AFR) press release dated last Friday which it appears not to have released via RNS. Oversight perhaps?

It seems that it has now informed the SFO of yet more dodgy dealings under the ancient regime and so one must hope that at last we will see some ex Afren executives doing bird.  Such news makes little difference to the investment case. The shares remain a straight sell at 3.5p with an initial target of sub 1p.  But it would be good to see some criminal crony capitalists doing time.


3441 days ago

So where is that injunction Quindell bitchez? Its bully boy lawyers letter to me in full

On August 19 2014 Quindell (QPP) threatened me with a bully boy lawyer’s letter demanding inter alia that I sign a grovelling apology drafted by it, pay its lawyers bills and damages and that it would get an injunction against me to stop me accusing it and Rob Terry of being a fraud. As with all fraudsters you will note that Terry was using the company’s lawyers (i.e. not his cash but shareholder’s cash) for his case. I now publish that letter in full. And I ask the liars, crooks and frauds at Quindell where is that injunction?
