
2511 days ago

Diary of a diabetic - 9.6 WTF?

I am meant to test my blood sugars twice daily and be in a range of 5-7 whatever that means.Almost two months ago I was 15.3 but these days an almost zero carb, almost zero alcohol, low stress and modest daily exercise lifestyle plus five pills a day has seen me happily in "normal" territory for someone tackling type 2 diabetes, for some days. But I just tested myself and it was 9.6. WTF!


2546 days ago

Diary of a diabetic day ..whatever: a disastrous week

I have not even bothered to test my blood sugar levels for the past few days. I know they are up. I can feel a couple of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes making a minor comeback. Last night, for instance, I felt the need to piss several times. Net result: no sleep. And it is all so predictable. I could kick myself. Or certain others.


3146 days ago

Diabetes update – for the first time in memory a Doctor praises me

I cannot remember exactly when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I think it was around six or seven years ago. It was not a surprise. I had eaten and drink too much and the great West Ham supporting Tory blogger Iain Dale had described his symptoms and diagnosis a few months earlier. I knew what was coming.

There have been times since when I have managed it with medication and sometimes just by clean living and taking stacks of exercise.  There have been times when I just let myself go. Four years ago I was a 19 stone 6 pounds blob and really all over the shop. But relationship breakdowns, work crises, near bankruptcy and a nervous breakdown did wonders for my (physical) health sending me off to walk around the mountains of Greece and Albania. I may have been a bit of a fruitcake but I sure knocked my body into shape.

Of course marriage and owning a restaurant are not good for the figure but I think I sort of have things in some sort pf check but perhaps I was a tad complacent. I know that Iain has also gone through such phases. However, the Mrs forced me to register with a doctor and last week an eye test showed the first – albeit minimal at this stage – signs of an issue in my right eye. I knew what was coming next.

This afternoon I strolled down to the doctors, 


3512 days ago

Playing the Fat Game on the Stockmarket

I am feeling rather virtuous today. Just a Greek salad and a coke to eat and I have already done one hour’s manual labour in the fields. I am just off for another stint now. I am pretty sure that my Body Mass Index is back in the “normal” range and as someone with diabetes – thanks to eating and drinking too much – that is good news. I’m heading the right way. But the rest of the world is not.

One in five Americans is obese. And America – like the rest of the West – is getting fatter. This spawns numerous health issues of which type 2 diabetes is just one.

Now I reckon that weight loss is simple: “stop being such a greedy bastard and take some bloody exercise.” It is something that any individual can achieve by himself, or herself. But the zeitgeist is different.
