
420 days ago

Breaking: Audio Recording of the AGM from Hell, Doc Holliday vs disgraced Rod McIllree at More Acquisitions

Anyone who boasts of working with Seth Freedman and the convicted felon Nick Leeson, as Doc Holliday does in the recording below is, by definition, not a scholar and a gentleman. But then again Rod McIllree of BlueJay Mining (JAY) infamy is a total scallywag. Doc wants to call an EGM to oust Rod from More Acquisitions (TMOR) – and I back Doc as I explained HERE. The two went at it hammer and tongs at More’s AGM on 10th July as the recording below shows. Pour yourself a cold beer, get a bowl of popcorn and enjoy as it is fabulous stuff.


1396 days ago

TOTAL SHOCKER: Sulnox – convicted fraudster seeks GM control and no regulator steps in to stop it

It is less than a year since fuel emulsifier Sulnox floated on the  NEX market, now branded Aquis, and already a couple of directors and the auditors have walked. But now comes a GM Request to oust boss Nick Nelson ( a good guy) and his fellow directors and replace them with four new suits. But in a world where Aquis Regulation and the FCA were not complete chocolate teapots the convicted fraudster behind the coup would surely have been stopped. Yes that is right, this coup is masterminded by a convicted felon.


2484 days ago

Video: When Harry met Silly, aka uber posh convicted felon and cop thrasher Rt Hon. Charlie Gibson

I was wondering what had happened to my old pal the uber posh convicted felon and cop beater, the Right Honourable "Champagne" Charlie Gibson. Well here the old boy is, interviewing Harry Adams of Kefi (KEFI) in which we own shares. Harry insists that all is on track and I think the shares are very cheap at a 2.8p bid having taken the sort of thrashing last week that Charlie thinks should be reserved for uppity members of the working classes. Finalise financing and approvals in Q1 2018 and they should race ahead. Anyhow, over to Harry and the UK's most upper class cop beater


2818 days ago

NO JOKE: Cloudtag Morons rush to hand their cash to criminal Aidan Earley crowdfund appeal

Honestly you could not make this up. Convicted felon & libeller Aidan Earley, of Worthington (WRN) - now in liquidation - infamy, has responded to his new found fans, largely Cloudtag (CTAG) owning morons, by setting up a crowdfunding appeal to help fight me in the Courts. Used to chucking their moiney down the pan so far, 28 morons have sent £1,114 to Mr Earley. He won't believe his luck in finding folks who are so stupid.


2827 days ago

A year of fraudbusting by ShareProphets reviewed - what a bumper crop we had in 2016

Some of our critics, notably the felon Earley, reckon we go after companies as part of some convoluted con whether those companies are good or bad. Those who actually read our site will know that very few of the companies we have attacked have been anything other than disasters for investors. The one we got wrong and admitted as much was Boohoo. But boy did we make some gutsy calls in 2016 - we had a bumper year of fraud busting.


2828 days ago

Convicted felon Aidan Earley of Worthington infamy goes into bat for Cloudtag - labels Tom Winnifrith a corporate serial killer

The increasingly deranged ramblings of convicted criminal Aidan Earley of Worthington (WRN) infamy get more bizarre with the poor man now going into bat on behalf of Cloudtag (CTAG). Poor Amit Ben Haim, with friends like this no wonder his shares are tanking.


2830 days ago

Video of convicted criminal Aidan Earley on Faith & Money

Convicted felon Aidan Earley who is banned from being a company director last week fessed up to intimate involvement in Worthington (WRN), the fraud now being run by an administrator. He also libelled me suggesting, inter alia, that I may have been involved in a £40 million insurance scam and fire even though CCTV and other documentary evidence shows that was not the case. So what makes Aidan tick. Watch him in action at a UK Investor show and judge for yourself...


3020 days ago

BBC's Tanya Beckett Brexit propaganda from ex wife of convicted felon

I've crossed swords with upper class fish wife Tanya Beckett over many years and she has always struck me as thick as two short planks on every occasion we met. In other words, she is an ideal presenter on BBC World News covering business. Of course she is more famous as the ex wife of convicted felon Champagne Charlie Gibson who is a real hoot, but back to Brexit.


3359 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 10 July - back to Athens for riot porn

A brief podcast as I prepare to spend a morning on the beach with the Mrs. Then it is off to Athens. She thinks she is seeing a la dee da play. I am heading there for riot porn as the Greece Grexit crisis hots up again. Is Tsipras planning to betray the Hellenic Republic? Will he get away with it? Will Greece be booted out of the Euro anyway by the Krauts? Then a few words on the farce at Sefton as Jimmyliar Ellerton tries to make it go bankrupt via legal means. And then to the con Worthington.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3359 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 July Offending everyone edition

Once again IT issues in Greece delay this podcast. I start by explianing why the reaction of Paul Scott and the craven deadwood press to the new national living wage proposed by George Osborne displays 100% economic illiteracy. It is simply a transfer of wealth from business to the State, the poor will gain nothing. Then onto defending David Lenigas and Andrew Bell from some of the sillier comments made by some folk and to explain why flip flop Ben Turney is again wrong on New World Oil & Gas. hats off to Paul Curtis for the silliest remark of the day as I stck the boot into Gulf Keystone and then also to the prep, pump and dump at Beowulf Mining. And finally I have another go at biotech dog ValiRx.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3362 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 8 July - George Osborne is a twat

This has been delayed by certain IT issues here in the Hellenic Republic. I start the podcast on Greece then onto China and finally to chancellor George Osborne and his budget - the guy is a prize twat. At a company level I look at Azonto Petroleum, Monitise ( TSOA wins again!), Red Rock Resources and the fraud Jiasen.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3363 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 7th July - Page 3 bird photo

As an experiment I tried to upload this direct, rather than via Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater, but could not work out how to upload my photo so had to use an alternative. In today's podcast I look at Greece, China (the real story of the day), Sefton, Fitbug, Phorm, Stratmin Global and fat cats. Real fat cats like Oakley not fat cats like Sir Martin Sorrell.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3364 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 6 July: bombast battle

In today's podcast i start with Greece and also my father, a Nai supporter, blaming the poor Greeks for his expensive pint in Ireland. I shall explain the economics of the euro to the old deluded lefty next week. Then onto Avanti Communications, CIC Gold, China, Velocys, Litebulb and Europea Oil & Gas.

This podcast is recorded in the most excellent Anthropology cafe in Athens which I heartily recommend - although it really needs to start stocking ouzo

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3365 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 5 July: Greece, China, Quindell & house prices

Polls close here in Athens in just over three hours. I shall shortly head off to my local polling station to have a final butchers and then to Syntagma Square to sit underneath the Greek parliament as the results come in. I shall blog away here on ShareProphets as Greece decides whether it is Oxi or nai. Pro tem this podcast covers Greece, China, Quindell and UK House prices.

This podcast is recorded in the most excellent Anthropology cafe in Athens which I heartily recommend - although it really needs to start stocking ouzo

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3366 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 4th July, Independence is on my mind

Happy Independence day to our American listeners. My prayers are that tomorrow Greece votes for freedom and votes Oxi! But will it? And what does that mean for the Euro and shares. I note Goldman Sachs claims that a Nai vote will see global equities rise by 10%. Hmmm, I think it misses the bear in the China shop. A few thoughts brought to you from Athens in today's podcast.

This podcast is recorded in the most excellent Anthropology cafe in Athens which I heartily recommend - although it really needs to start stocking ouzo

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3367 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Smoking Guns Bearcast from Athens - July 3rd

I start this podcast with a few developments on the ground here in Greece - tonight sees two mass demos which I shall be attending and reporting back on. Then it is on to Phorm, Provexis, Ubisense, Jiasen ( smoking gun located?) and the other China Norfolks, Netcall and Cenkos where conversation naturally turns to its role in the Quindell fraud and what the fallout will be.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3369 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 1 July

I forgot to mention convicted felon Champagne Charlie Gibson in the podcast. Silly me. But in case you have forgotten why he is a felon go HERE and why I am going to keep mentioning it go HERE. In the actual Bearcast I look at Sirius Minerals and Monitise and then have breaking news on the unlikely hero of the day China fraud specialist Mr Paul Shackleton and bad news for investors in Gate Ventures. Then it is onto Daniel Stewart with a bad Winston Churchill parody. Then onto Speedy Hire, Lightwaverf, Independent Oil & Gas and Phorm where the chickens are coming home to roost, at last.


3520 days ago

Rule 25 of the 49 Red Flags by Tom Winnifrith – hat tip Sam Antar

There is a hat tip to my friend the convicted felon turned fraudbuster Sam Antar for Red Flag 25 in my new book 49 Red Flags. To order a free copy of the book to be sent to you today fill in the form HERE

Red Flag 25 Reads:


3529 days ago

Naibu, China Chaintek, Camkids, Pinsent Masons and Crowe Clark Whitehill & an open letter to Ray Zimmerman of ZAI

Shares in the fraud Naibu (NBU) were finally suspended on the AIM casino on 9 January 2015 after the NEDS woke up and requested clarification of the financial position of a company claiming to be cash generative and drowning in cash. How long does it take to check this out? What next?

Having shown conclusively that Naibu CEO Houyan Lin had form as a felon HERE I am in little doubt as to the outcome. But what is taking Naibu so long? A letter to its Nomad, big Ray Zimmerman of ZAI Corporate Finance, follows. When Naibu ‘fesses up the questions start for Camkids (CAMK) and China Chaintek (CTEK).


3833 days ago

Sovereign Mines of Africa: More AIM Cesspit horse shit, pretence and investor buggering

On 20th September I pointed out that Sovereign Mines of Africa (SMA) then 3.5p was almost out of cash and was ramping its shares to get a placing away. Six months later after ramp after ramp of spurious press releases we finally have the placing. The only shock was that Sovereign did not commission an utterly crap paid for research from convicted felon Charlie Gibson of Edison to help with the ramp. The placing naturally screws private investors big time ( this is AIM) and is accompanies by prize winning PR horse shit from Sovereign.

The shares were 1.625p at the close yesterday. The placing is raising a paltry £625,000 (call that £575,000 after costs) at just 1p. So some lucky City folk can flip the stock and make a quick turn and all those suckers conned into paying anything up to 4p during the past six months by those upbeat press releases will be 20% diluted. The advisers make a quick buck, the City insiders on the placing making a quick buck and everyone else is buggered.

Sovereign clearly wanted to raise more


3838 days ago

Kenmare – Paid Cheerleader Edison claims Execution & Finance Risk addressed – bollocks: sell

Commissioned Researcher Edison has today issued a note on behalf of its client Kenmare Resources (KMR) claiming that “execution and finance risk addressed”. With the utmost respect to the analyst in question, convicted felon champagne Charlie Gibson, that is total bollocks. Sell.

Charlie writes:
