
3381 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 3rd February

Both Maribel and I are feeling a little fragile after a night of boozing at The Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House. And so life is a bit of a struggle today for both of us. Anyhow this podcast covers insider dealing, Afren, TXO, Camkids, Northbridge Industrial, profits warnings, Asian Citrus and Creston


3411 days ago

Real Man Pizza Reopens at 11.30 on Monday after a Christmas Break

Our staff have been slaving away all weekend and Real Man Pizza in Clerkenwell is thus ready to reopen its doors at 11.30 on Monday 5 January. As ever we are open from 11.30 AM until eleven every night.

If you feel a bit plump after Christmas and cannot face a pizza (heck have you not missed pizza after two weeks away?) we have a full range of salads and lower calorie pasta dishes on offer as well.

Maribel & the team look forward to seeing you again from Monday.


3887 days ago

What is it with attractive women taking their clothes off at Real Man Pizza Company?

Maybe it is the name that attracts them? I do not know. But it certainly adds to the joy of working here. First we met up with Pauline Amos, the naked artist as you may remember from this video article here. And now it is senior waitress Maribel who is getting her kit off.

Fear not, it is all in the name of world peace. All 77 pictures of her in the altogether. I kid you not. On her Facebook site (which not surprisingly has almost 4,000 followers) Maribel explains:

To my parents: Father, Mother, you are not going to like this, but it is what I must do.
To my friends: You know me, so you will understand.
The rest of the world: I do this because I must use what power I possess to act out against war and barbarism.
I expose myself to reconcile my body and my soul.
I use my body because all I came into this world with, and all I will go out with, are my body and my soul.
I use my body because I am a woman, and women are the most used, humiliated, the weakest and the strongest of humanity.
We bear the children they send to war, to kill and die.
We are still the temptations, the objects of desire—Eve, the Original sinner—from the East to the West.
I use my body because, at this stage of "civilization", nothing is more revolutionary than to show us as we are—people, human beings, a majority of humanity, who want to live in peace.
Only the sick of soul want war.
PLEASE UNDERSTAND, I FORBID the use of these images for profit—not even for me or on my behalf.
I encourage everyone to take the same action, but if your modesty prevents you, use my images.
Paste them on Facebook, distribute them by email and post, or print them, until there is not a corner of the Earth that does not know that the majority of humanity calls for Peace.

I am of course really into peace & love and all of that stuff but shall pass on taking the same action myself.

The facebook page is shown below.

If you’d like to discuss World Peace or to see more of Maribel, just pop along to our quirky Italian restaurant  Real Man Pizza Company in Clerkenwell at any time – perhaps this Wednesday for Ken Scott’s gig?

