
2027 days ago

Can you buy anti-stab vests at Paddington?

I see that London’s hapless Mayor Sadiq Khan is tweeting like a man possessed, pleas for folks to travel to his great City this weekend for a mass exercise in anti Brexit Remoaning. I would have thought he has more important things to do.


2167 days ago

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at pathetic London Mayor Sadiq Khan - now cycling is deemed racist

Surigng knife crime, a housing crisis, the list of London's problems goes on and on but its truly useless Mayor Sadiq Khan is focussing on the big issues like tackling tweets from Katie Hopkins and today proclaiming that cycling is racist. He is not talking of the cheats in the tour de drugs but of those folks who get on their Boris bike every day.


2414 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Uber loses London licence, a dark day for the Capital in a time of economic insanity

Uber has lost its London license thanks to Transport For London (TFL), a move applauded by useless Mayor Sadiq Khan, The Guardian, the BBC and black cab drivers. But it is very bad news indeed for London and I explain why. It is symptomatic of a new era of economic madness as is Theresa May claiming giving £20 billion (it will be more) to the EU is a good deal and our useless PM also trying to satisfy the greed of lazy and overpaid public sector workers. Perhaps the biggest sign of this madness and wish for economic hari-kiri is Labour's plan to renationalise the utilities. It is utter madness but no one dares say so. We are heading faster and faster towards the precipice my friends.


2834 days ago

An apology to red trousered lunatic and ex Mayor of Bristol George Ferguson

I have on a number of occasions pointed out that the red trousered, car hating lunatic George Ferguson was a quite appalling mayor of my home City of Bristol. I feel, however, that I owe Mr Ferguson an apology.


2841 days ago

Good News - my father's membership of the Conservative Club approved

Gosh, the Conservative Club in Brislington is efficient. It was only on Wednesday that my father and I trouped in to complete his application. On Thursday another visit as Dad thinks the Cider is cheap and enjoys a place where the only newspaper is the Sun and with cricket on the TV.

By Saturday an email arrives


3013 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard - fined for picking blackberries by the fascist poor hating lefties of Bristol

The assault on the freedoms and the pockets of the poor by the fascist lefties who run my home City of Bristiol continues. First it was our mad Mayor George Ferguson with his war on cars. Now the Labour run  City council that wants to fine me for picking blackberries or mushrooms. Why? And who will be hurt most? the poor once again.


3040 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Chavs in Poundland, Death of LGO and mad George Ferguson Mayor of Bristol

I have just had a half sober lunch and explain what that means. I then move onto our champagne socialist, Guardian reading tosser of a Mayor here in Bristol, George Ferguson, and a pre lunch incident. Then onto Mobile Streams (MOS), Poundland (PLND) and LGO Energy (TOAST).
