
1137 days ago

From IRA victim Máiría Cahill another poem that won no prize in the Martin McGuinness Peace Foundation contest

Máiría Cahill waived anonymity to expose her sexual abuse at the hands of the IRA. She is a brave person unlike Easter Egg distributor Gerry Adams and his utterly unlamented late partner in crime Martin McGuinness. The “Peace Foundation” honouring the Butcher of Londonderry, who almost certainly did personally kill people for the IRA, is running a poetry contest. Sentimental fools such as Joe Biden or Owen Jones who like to romanticise the evil Fenian bastards should read Cahill’s entry which, oddly, has won no prize. The BBC which frequently rewrites history so that our kids can be taught a false narrative should broadcast this poem. Everyone should read this poem.


3912 days ago

Bulletin Board Poet of the week

I am often misquoted (by BB Morons) as saying that all Bulletin Board posters are morons. Far from it. Some are but the vast majority are not. And in that vein, I offer up a post from the ADVFN Sefton board which is pure poetry if a tad on the brutal side:


Bring out your dead.

Bring out your dead.

Bring out the Sefton dead.

Daub a red cross on your doors for Monday.

There's going to be a massacre in the stampede to offload this POS before the plug is pulled next week! Disorderly market = suspension. A Suspension that SER will never come back from.

Bring out your dead! Bring out your Sefton dead.

Pile up the bodies. Ring a ring a roses a pocket full of posies
