
2916 days ago

Video: Steve O'Hara of Optibiotix presents at UK Investor Show

We bought this stock and tipped it at 8p. The shares are now c80p and we still hold more than half our holding and won't be selling them for anything less than 100p. we are bullish and after this presentation by Optibiotix (OPTI) boss Steve O'Hara I hope you can see why. Enjoy.


3019 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith Presentation - how to make money in a bear market

Yes that is a glass of ouzo on the lectern. In part one of my presentation (HERE) I explained why my world view and stockmarket view remained bearish. In the second part I offered up specific ways (shares to short) and general ways to make money in a bear market.


3020 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith Presentation - the great stockmarket and real economy unwind is only starting

I gave this presentation in Clerkenwell last night. I am not predicting a crash but I am suggesting that the debt and QE bubble is only starting to unwind and will go much further


3357 days ago

Video - Symphony Environmental at ShareProphets Seminar

I have tipped shares in Symphony (SYM) on the Nifty Fifty and enjoyed this ShareProphets seminar presentation. Once again a good few jokes and a solid showing by the company and its FD Ian Bristow. The video is below.
