
3211 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19 July - 10 top shares to short for summer

Okay, the sabbatical really does start this week so maybe not that many bearcasts from now. But for today I explain why the market will be harder for non profit stocks and on that basis I start with a reference to my 21 stock death list of last month (Afren looks to be the first to fall) HERE but also refer to the excellent must read piece by Lucian Miers yesterday HERE. And then I launch into my 10 top shorts for summer. Companies mentioned are:


3259 days ago

Weekly postcard #114 - Last thoughts from Greece & on Sabbatical starting edition

Sorry for the delay in getting this up. There have been various internet snags but a few last thoughts on my last weekend in Greece plus the sabbatical that started on Monday are now live


3260 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: I'm on sabbatical - "flip Flop" Ben Turney is in charge

As of midnight "flip flop" Ben "pitchfork" Turney will be editing ShareProphets as I am on leave for the next six to nine months. Let me explain.
