
2465 days ago

I am so 100% excluded from the Inclusive lavatory at the Guardian's fave cinema

It was off to the cinema today with Joshua for a mother and baby screening at the Watershed cinema in Bristol. This is the uber PC movie theatre which is oft praised by the Guardian and likes to show the sort of utterly shite films that the Guardian loves but which would make any right minded person either puke or fall asleep or both. Remember The Lobster - the worst film of 2015? Watershed audiences loved it.


2469 days ago

On the LGBT-fest that was BBC Breakfast -Bashing Trump for Transphobia & not saying what gay equality means as more is demanded

It was 50 years since the legalisation of homosexuality and 1 day since President Donald Trump said he was banning Transgender folks from the US army. And thus BBC breakfast focused in hard on issues that affect directly just over 2% and between 0.3% and 0.6% of the population directly. What else could the liberal media focus on? It was a veritable LGBT-fest and a reminder why BBC Breakfast really is just such dismal viewing.


3233 days ago

The Russian Transsexual who joined ISIS...this tale will not end well

You could not make it up....Viktor E, or Viktoria as he prefers to be known although he has yet to have the op, is a Russian transsexual who complains that he, sorry she, suffers intolerance in Putin's Russia. And thus she/he and her boyfriend, have converted to radical Islam after watching a few videos and are now on their way to Syria to join the happy band of tolerant fellows you and I know as ISIS.

Viktoria claims that ISIS will accept her and her boyfriend as they are because she wears Women's clothes. Hmmmm, I 
