
2094 days ago

Oakley Health Report - it seems as if there is life in the old boy yet

Last week I reported on how the, once morbidly obese, three legged cat Oakley had lost 1 kg since April and was in a bad way. It got worse on Friday when the vet suggested that it might be cancer of the stomach but the only way to find out was to do a biopsy which would require an anaesthetic which may well polish him off. Oakley was only nibbling at titbits of smoked salmon, honey glazed ham and other treats and we had a long discussion about quality of life and know what.


2369 days ago

Photo Article: Oakley travels to the vets in style

My three legged cat Oakley is getting old and so now needs a check up every three or four months. The vet is about 400 yards away but Oakley still weighs almost 4 KG so this time he travelled in style as you can see below.


3188 days ago

Tara the cat: photo & medical update

Thanks for all the enquiries about my cat Tara, who I snapped as she slept earlier today as you san see below. Last night we took her to the vets for emergency blood tests as she was refusing to eat or drink and barely moving. She had lost 600g in bodyweight in six weeks (going down to just 2.7kg) and we feared the worst.
