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The idea came from daughter Olaf who had this ice cream in Tuscany, the sort of place young ladies from Islington go to on holiday. Joshua says it tastes amazing. Have you guessed yet?
Textiles rental and related services business Johnson Service Group (JSG) has announced its results for the 2024 calendar year and emphasises “well placed for continued progress and margin improvement in FY25… further share buyback programme”. How good is this news then from a 142.5p share price?
In today's podcast I cover the 79th Group and its car park, Kenmare (KMR), APQ (APQ), Totally (TLY),m Powerhouse (PHE), a cracking short, and Hydrogen Utopia (HUI) where nothing makes sense.
Last time Sarah McLeod had a go at me over my most excellent analysis, which she termed a "hit job" it was Celadon (CEL) and we all know how that turned out. This time it is Ananda (AND) the £21.6 million capitalised pot play run by Melissa Sturgess. I have a few questions not least about the valuation and the aggressive stock promotion.
On 8 January Victoria (VCP) put out a trading statement confirming it was on track to meet forecasts. With the brown envelope man among those promoting the stock it was already rallying but this RNS saw the shares hit 143p by the 13th. Today they are 80p. There are three explanations:
Is that Christine Keeler or Mandy Rice Davies? I can never remember. It makes no odds, 79th is going down big time. The City of London fuzz, who I’ve met and know well, do not launch a formal operation (Mold), raid homes and arrest four chaps without really good cause.
U start with macro babble after a long chat with Lucian Miers then it is Apple, Ferrexpo (FCPO), Avacta (AVCT), First Class Metals (FCM), Technology Minerals (TM1) and the market demise of MaxRets Ventures (MAX), the 3rd delisting from the Domini White/ Alessandro Zamboni white collar crime stable.
Quoting someone making a comment on a Bulletin Board as a reason to buy shares in your company is quite remarkable. Perhaps this CEO does not realise that Bulletin Board Morons are not exactly qualified asset managers? But there is worse.
Yes it is back to the mini bond ponzi fraud scandal the 79th Group and to First Class Metals (FCM). I explain why the 79th must collapse either soon or not quite so soon and why First must accept that, issue an RNS and brace itself for its own shares, already falling fast, to crash. .
The fraud brought to AQSE by Liam “the toke” Murray at 80p continues to entertain. It is hard to know where to start with te shares 1p to sell, 14 months after the IPO.
The bottom tweet is from a keen shareholder in First Class Metals (FCM) He has not read my articles about the Police raids at 79th Group, the clear maths that show its a fraudulent ponzi or the hidden £43 million losses yet makes his views on me clear. But arguably a second tweet showing First's MD James Knowles privately communicating with his demented shareholder shows Knowles to be an even bigger moron
The February AIM Market statistics have been published and show that the AIM market had shrunk to 669 companies with 1 new admission and 12 departures. Some of the departures were attributable to takeovers such as Loungers.