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Thought for the Day – Rev John Bell is ghastly

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 25 October 2012

Hell’s teeth. By accident I find myself listening to the BBC for 30 minutes and I already deeply regret it. It was a mistake that I shall not repeat. My encounter is with the Today programme and first up was the Reverend John Bell from the Iona community who is just absolutely ghastly. He makes me dream once again of Scottish independence in the hope that this dreadful man would not then pollute the airwaves of a free Britain. Scottish independence or shutting down the BBC. Bell needs to come off air.

The whingeing Scot started with a preamble about how he opposed bipartisan politics. Yeah right. Within a few minutes he was off with a grandiose claim that Jesus came into this world to help the poor, sick, vulnerable and weak. Jesus tried to change their lot on this planet but was blocked by reactionary forces who were engaging in “partisan politics.” Shit. I guess they had wicked Tories back in 20 AD as well.

Bell had within 45 seconds of starting claimed (without evidence) Jesus as one of his own – a sandal wearing, Guardian reading, big State friend of the welfare classes. He was right about the sandals, I suspect, but there is no clear unequivocal case for the rest of it. For Bell, a partisan politician (bad thing) is not one who has any agenda just one who has an agenda that does not fit with his own deluded, typically Scottish, view of the world.

Chatting to Uncle Chris (Booker) afterwards on another matter I shall cover shortly I gather that Bell has form. It seems that Bell/Jesus are also keen supporters of the EU. And, rather like my deluded sister Tabby writing in her Parish magazine, Bell also believes that Jesus wants us to actively combat man made global warming. Tabby cannot help it. My entire family ( bar superstar step sister Flea) are deluded lefties. But at least she is not given a regular slot on taxpayer funded national radio to spout this tripe.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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