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The best Tesco jokes from Twitter today. No foaling.

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 16 January 2013

Sitting at Real Man Pizza Company enjoying a great lunch, clearly there is only story of the day to discuss.

No comment needed from me, the starter’s gun has been fired and we are off…

Perhaps #Tesco is an abbreviation for Total Equine Sourcing Coldcuts and Offal?

At least there were no traces of Jockey found

@frankieboyle: A lot of people longing for the good old days when
#tesco burgers were made from cows’ arseholes, cocks and eyelids

Had a burger last night, still got a bit between my teeth #horsemeat

Stop trotting out these horse puns. I’ve seen the mane ones hundreds
of times, didn’t think they’d last furlong. N equestrians?

Less far, more Shergar

A cow walks into a bar. Barman says ‘why the long face?’ Cow says
‘Illegal ingredients, coming over here stealing our jobs!’

Unexpected item in bagging area

#Tesco clearly taking “I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse” a little
bit too seriously.

“Can’t believe that woman was sent to hospital after eating a horse
meat burger… Her condition is said to be stable”

We’re going 500/1 that a burger wins The Grand National this year……

I was a bit worried so I went to the freezer to check my Tesco
burgers, and….THEY’RE OFF.

#horsemeat in burgers? That’s cruel. Horses should be where they
belong: On a racecourse, being whipped by midgets.

Horse meat in burgers? All part of a stable diet.. #tesco


I tried a #tesco ‘beef’burger and thought the going was a bit soft – been nagging me ever since.


Hang on…… Twitter is awash with “missing dog” tweets, and Tesco burgers. Coincidence?

@TomSorbie: Forget the horse burgers, you want to try the
meatballs….. They’re the dog bollocks!!!

They found dog DNA in those #tesco burgers as well, didn’t they…
Every Little Yelps.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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