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Poisonous and delusional midget Nicola Sturgeon of the SNP is mad, innumerate and running a near bankrupt nation of scroungers

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 25 August 2016

I remember my daughter remarking how wonderful the poisonous midget Nicola Sturgeon of the SNP was a couple of years ago, for there was a time when on both sides of the border this silly woman appeared to be the darling of the left, of the liberal media and the metropolitan bien pensants. Since my daughter lives in Islington, I expect midget worshipping was almost compulsory for her. But how the Sturgeon devotees must be recanting for as every day goes by the Scottish leader seems sillier and more disingeneous.

Data came out this week showing that Scotland is running a budget deficit of £15 billion. Last year it spent £68.6 billion, not all of it wisely, but brought in revenues of just £53.7 billion. Some of the gap is down to oil revenues collapsing by 97% as the oil price tanked but that explains only a portion of the shortfall.

Of course all of the UK runs a budget deficit. But the Scottish deficit equates to 9% of its GDP, the UK deficit is half of that. Successive British leaders - including Cameron, May, Brown and Blair have been happy to grant ever greater largesse to the folks in the Greece of the North to bribe them not to opt for independence. But all that is doing is racking up an ever greater debt for the UK and it is England & Wales which disproportionately will be servicing that debt. Why should taxpayers south of Hardrian's wall continue to subsidise the welfare junkies North of the Wall?

Sadly English Independence is not on the agenda but Nicola Sturgeon thinks that Scottish Independence might be. Scotland's deficit to GDP ratio would be highest in the EU, yes even greater than that managed by the Scotland of the South, the mighty Hellenic Republic. What on earth makes the midget Sturgeon think that the EU would welcome a basket case like Scotland? It has more than enough basket cases of its own already. And who does Sturgeon think will fund her deficit going forward once the English sugar daddy disappears? Naturally, Sturgeon, like nearly all Scots, believes in the Money Tree.

Having claimed that Scotland would be the 14th richest country on earth post independence when confronted with the facts that demonstrate that it might just be the 14th richest country in West Africa Sturgeon moves from lies to demonstrating madness and ignorance. The biggest problem Scotland faces she say is not the fact that it makes Rwanda look like a model of fiscal excellence but Brexit. The midget says, relying on Dodgy Dave Cameron's dodgy dossier, that leaving the EU will make Scotland £11 billion worse off.

That Dodgy Dave derived stat related to his - made up - estimate of the effect of a lower growth in GDP out to 2030 divided by population. Not only was this made up "fact" just nonsense but as anyone with a grade D in GCSE Economics knows GDP data in 2030 is not the same as a budget deficit in 2016. In claiming the two as the same lyin' Nicola shows her ignorance. In ignoring the dire state of Scottish finances yet still campaigning for Independence she shows herself to be mad.

As an English taxpayer I wish the mad, lying and ignorant little midget the best of luck. The sooner she leads her nation of bleating welfare addicted scroungers off to fuck off to enjoy economic destitution and full independence the better.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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