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Global Warming - now the myth exposed at the South Pole too

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 24 November 2016

Even the BBC is squirming today as the global warming myth has been exposed, this time at the South Pole. Last week it was the Arctic serving up "inconvenient truths" and now it is the Antarctic thanks to the logs of Captain Scott and the explorer Shackleton.

The BBC started its One O'Clock News with the assertion that scientists had thought that the polar ice had been shrinking since the 1950s although there was no hard data to back this up. Hell who cares about data, let's just trust the global warming nutters anyway. But now it seems that detailed analysis of the logs of the great explorers show that sea ice today is just where it was 100 years ago despite all those man made carbon emissions.

The BBC says this may be because fewer folks live in the Southern Hemisphere than in the North meaning there is less climate change. But hang on wasn't global warming meant to be

The BBC is consoled that Northern Sea ice is 25% off its peak levels. But as we saw last week it is now building up at record rates and so that argument gets weaker too as each, freezing, day goes by.

And all the time our Government in the UK prepares to commit economic hari-kiri with carbon emissuion reduction targets to stop global warming on the basis of no hard evidence at all that climate change is man made. It was not in the medieval warm period, or in the dark ages, or the 1600s and it is not now. Nor in fact at the Antarctic is the climate changing at all.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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