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Tom Winnifrith Postcard: The cafe Nero woman on BBCQT - the silliest middle class remoaning Brexit bashing bitch in Britain

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 3 March 2017

The panel on BBC Question time were, with the exception of Peter Hitchens, who was predictably superb, truly dire. A daft lefty celeb, a truly thick labour MP - wasn't this a repeat? But it was the audience that never ceases to amaze me. How does the BBC manage to find a crowd week in week out which views the world so differently from the population as a whole. Last night's episode was a classic. Describing someone born outside the UK with a non British passport as a foreigner got one hissed and booed. That is a fact FFS. The highlight was an obviously middle class Guardian reader flagging up the real danger of Brexit: English people refuse to work in Cafe Nero so who will serve her a morning frothy semi skimmed organic Fair Trade latte? . I kid you not. At every level this sums up the insanity and lies of the remoaners, a matter I cover in this podcast. 

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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