My nearly 16 daughter called in last night from Islington where I am sure that the Ministry of Truth has ensured that everyone knows that March the 8th is International Womens's Day. Out here in the unfashionable suburbs of a provincial City where I live the Ministry holds no sway and we plebs get on with real life. But my daughter is from more enlightened places and so asks "what are you doing to mark International Wimmins day?" My first wrong answer is "when is it?"
That was met with a disapproving hurrumph and I was made more enlightened. I said that i was planning to go to the hairdressers. Jeepers don't women like that sort of thing I thought but did not dare say.I merely told the truth about my plans. But that was also apparently the wrong answer too.
And so also noting that I was heading off to Sainsbury's to do the shopping as I always do like I - nearly always - cook because I am such a goddamn feminist, although I did not say that, I asked what could I do. My daughter said that i could wear red.
Right. I think not. I think I shall do as I always do and wear black, notably my Hillary for Prison T-shirt. Women should be treated equally with men before the law and so since she is a woman she should stop blathering about glass ceilings and instead fess up to her crimes and go to prison. Well that is what i thought anyway, I did not say this to a daughter who had only recently marched against Trump with all the other posh and rich liberal elite from Islington. With respect daughter, Stalin had a useful phrase for the folks on that march.
Sorry daughter but what exactly does it achieve wearing red? Does it stop FGM, or change the rape culture of Southern Africa?. Does it free up women in Saudi Arabia to drive cars and vote? Or women in Afghanistan not to have to wear the veil? And does it stop educational underachievement in this country. Ooops actually boys underperform girls these days: what will we all do about that on International Women's Day? How about a bit of affirmative action for the lads?
One senses that the BBC will be in meltdown tonight as it celebrates this great day. It may be a good evening to read a book instead.