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Diary of a Diabetic day 11 - Good & bad

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 14 April 2017

The penultimate day in Sweden saw the Mrs and I drive out to vist another friend of hers in the countryside around Gothenburg. Within minutes of arriving our host was explaining why she and her family had decided not to go on holiday to America this year. "For all the reasons am sure you understand we decided not to go after November." I bit my lip. She then said that they were thinking of going to France instead.

I couldn't resist. So what happens if Marine Le Pen wins? I asked. She said they had thought about that and if Marine triumphs it is clear that the family may have to stay in the happy multi cultural, crime ridden welfare paradise that is Sweden. Again I bit my lip and nodded to show understanding. I really was quite amazed about how well I behaved as our host went on to say that her brother was in fact a resident of the USA having become a naturalised yank and brought up two boys who were also US citizens. Amazingly The Donald has not incarcerated them as aliens. Yet.

The conversation ebbed and flowed and eventually moved onto my favourite subject, snakes. It appears that her place suffers regular adder invasions in the summer. The adder is apparently an endangered species in Sweden and so it is illegal to kill the little darlings and so our host's husband catches them puts them in a bucket and takes them away for release in a safe space. Hell's teeth! If there is a law that is meant for breaking it is that one.

Would anyone really lament the eradication of the adder in Sweden? If they did the State could always piss away even more borrowed cash on reintroducing the little dears. But once again I bit my lip and nodded as a keen supporter of biodiversity. That was the end of the good behaviour from me.

In the evening we returned to our island where at last its only restaurant was finally open. I guess it was the stress of a day of biting my lip or perhaps it was the fact that the next day the Mrs was heading back to the UK with Joshua while I head off to Greece. And so a couple of glasses of wine and a couple of pieces of bread found their way to me. I dared not test my bloods last night but this morning they came in at 10.3 which was surprisingly low. I guess all the walking of the previous day had done some good. I was only 0.4 up on the prior day.

Okay 10.3 is nowhere near my target of 5 but it is way down on my start point of 15.3. And now I have weeks and weeks free from lfty sociologists to wind me up with inane comments out Trump, Brexit, poor little vipers and worshipping the Money Tree. it is off to greece for a diet of salads, no ouzo, and lots of manual labour at the Greek Hovel. Just watch those sugars drop as I tackle type 2 diabetes head on.!

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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