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So what if Ivanka Trump not elected? The liberal mainstream press is doing fake news again

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 26 April 2017

On the day that Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo, increased her net worth by $187 million to c $700 million by selling the company, there was a conference in Berlin yesterday to discuss gender inequality, glass ceilings at al. Most of the big names were career politicians with zippo private sector experience. Convicted fraudster Christine Lagarde - who somehow remains head of the IMF despite her criminal conviction - was there and so to, representing the US was Donald Trump's charming daughter Ivanka. Cue: a fake news outburst from the liberal media.

But she is not elected say the MSM? er yes... Do they not understand how American politics works? Folks elect a President and he chooses his cabinet and advisors. None of them are elected. So who the President opts to send to a pointless conference in Germany is completely up to him. Whoever he sends is going to be unelected.

If you remember President Rapist got his wife crooked Hillary to mastermind his disastrous healthcare reforms. No-one elected crooked Hillary to do that job, President rapist just appointed her as he was totally entitled to do.

As it happens Ivanka has run her own business so was probably more qualified than almost anyone else in Berlin to talk about gender issues in the workplace in that she has actually spent some time in the workplace while the flock of career politicians also present have not.

But for the fake news outlets to say that Ivanka not being elected is an issue is just fake news. It is not.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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