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Reasons to despise all MPs No 563 - special protection for the poor darlings

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 26 July 2017

For every safe seat, and 80% of all labour and Tory seats are safe. there is a line as long as your arm of folks begging to be selected. Much though MP's bleat about their poor pay (they are in the top 2% of earners even without expenses fiddles, second jobs etc and anti social hours (outside 30 weeks holiday a year, there is no shortage of hopefuls for this cushiest of jobs. Yet the pampered bastards who perennially forget that they work for us not the other way round, always want more special treatment.

The 1% pub,lic sector pay cap? Well it did not apply to these sate employees did it? Breaking the law means job loss? Well it did not apply to the expenses fiddlers did it? And now the MPs have debated the abuse they received online and offline in the last election campaign. And they seem to want new laws to stop this, arguing that it might stop decent folks from entering politics. If only there were any decent folks wanting to join the scumbags at Westminster.

Out in the real world quite a lot of us receive online and offline abuse quite often. I have had the death threats too. I have been accused in public forums of everything from child abuse to tax evasion and a lot more besides. I've been slated for being an evil Jew and, as of two weeks ago also slated for being anti Jewish. My family have been abused and online speculation by faux paedophiles continues about my daughter turning 16. Across the horrid world of the internet such things are, I am afraid, all too common.

When i have taken the most extreme examples to the old Bill, that is to say specific death threats, the rozzers have declined to act. On the other hand existing laws have been used by MP's to get action taken against folks who have harassed them online. The existing laws only work if you are rich and powerful like an NP ( Anna Soubry) or a celeb ) diver Tom Daley.

I do not for a second dispute that threats against Soubry and other MPs including Diane Abbott, Luciana Berger, Andrew Percy and Stella Creasy are utterly despicable. What is good is that existing laws have in so many cases resulted in internet scum being sent to prison as a result. The laws work to protect MPs. They do not work to protect nobodies like me. Yet the focus of the MP's is on seeking greater protection for them but not me.

And they wonder again why, among the 99%, those "working" at Halitosis hall are so widely despised.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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