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Red faces for the liberal media after America's "biggest mass shooting" - which was not

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 3 October 2017

As a prelude to the inevitable rants about the need for Gun Control and wicked Republicans/Donald Trump having blood on their hands for opposing it, the liberal media instantaneously declared the awful events in Las Vegas as "America's biggest mass shooting". With bodies not yet in the mortuary the Democrats and their buddies in the media were point scoring. But then they realised an inconvenient truth. Racists!

60 dead in Las Vegas is awful and a tragedy. But there have been numerous far bigger mass slayings with guns in America, it is just that the victims in the past were Native Americans or, as we used to call them before it was deemed racist, Red Indians. Aha, by early morning UK time on the BBC the events in Las Vegas had become "the biggest mass shooting in Modern America." It was a subtle change and one that was not explained since it would be an admission that inadvertently the BBC and the rest of the liberal media had been culturally insensitive if not downright racist.

But with that glitch in the narrative ironed out it was back to the main agenda: why does Donald Trump not care about innocent folks being killed? It was business as usual.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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