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Disgraceful: Kevin Spacey plays the gay card as he stands accused of child rape

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 30 October 2017

Actor Kevin Spacey today stands accused of trying to force himself on another actor who at the time was just 14. That counts as statutory rape, is utterly illegal and there can be no defence. That is unless you are a leading member of the luvvie liberal elite like Spacey or Roman Polanski.

The accuser is now a well known actor, Mr Anthony Rapp, so this cannot be dismissed as Spacey's friend crooked Hillary Clinton has dismissed those accusing her husband of such acts, as being the claims of publicity seeking trash. The allegations are very specific in terms of time, place and what went on.

Spacey says he cannot remember anything happening but if it did it would have been "inappropriate". He then blathers on at length about how he is gay and the problems of being a gay man. The implication is that he is the one suffering and that those who attack him are somehow motivated by homophobia.

That is disgraceful. It actually allows those who perpetuate the myth that gay men are attracted to boys and that there is a blurred line between homosexuality and paedophilia to push that line all the more aggressively. Spacey's sexuality has been an open secret for years and there really is no way that it hurts his career in uber liberal Hollywood or Broadway.

So at best Spacey being gay is irrelevant. At worst him playing the gay card is disgraceful and a profound disservice to other gay men who may not live among such tolerant peers. I tend very strongly to the latter view.

The issue here is whether Spacey as a rich and powerful man attempted to force himself on a far less powerful and underage victim, a minor. Whether the minor was male or female is neither here not there. Attempting sexual relations with a minor is a crime.

Spacey once labelled Donald Trump " a disease." For that he was applauded by the liberal media. Today I see the BBC reports the allegation and in the same breath Spacey's self outing. Can you imagine it being quite as disgracefully charitable if the allegation had been made against one of that truly endangered species. a leading Republican in Hollywood?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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