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Christmas Appeal - the Woodlarks Christmas Grotto

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 12 November 2017

This is the time olf year when I ask you to consider making a small donation to ensure that folks far less fortunate than we all are enjoy some real joy this Christmas. Woodlarks is a charity with whom I have worked for years. It provides a one-off service: full holiday acccomodation for those so severely disabled that they would otherwise not get such a break.

Each Christmas our hero Nick Richards and his team assemble a magical Christmas spectacle at the Woiodlarks campsite as you can see from photos of my 2016 visit HERE. And they seek to give gifts to more than 100 kids at the grotto.

But this is not a fashionable charity drowning in cash so it needs your help. Will you make a small donation HERE

Mining entrepreneur Paul Johnson has started the ball rolling with £250 after the Gruffalo in Shetlandese podcast appea HERE - all support is much appreciatedl

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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