Every day there is another tale of modern life which makes me wish more and more for an asteroid strike. Truly how can the West be so utterly degenerate? As a society we have lost the plot. Today's victim of the PC Nazis is the fairly tale Sleeping Beauty.
A mother, Sarah Hall, from somewhere in the Grim North has demanded her six-year-old son's school bans Sleeping Beauty because the princess does not give consent to be kissed. She says that the fairy tale promotes an 'inappropriate sexual' message to young children and is irresponsible because it teaches children it is acceptable to kiss women while they are asleep: "I think it's a specific issue in the Sleeping Beauty story about sexual behaviour and consent - it's about saying is this still relevant, is it appropriate?'
Hell's teeth. Social services should intervene at once to save Master hall from a mother who is clearly utterly humourless if not just plain bonkers. In a normal world Mrs Hall would be offered therapy but in the crazed world of the education establishment she will be taken seriously.
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