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Why were the state schools closed by snow but the public schools not? Step forward lazy teachers

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 12 December 2017

Across the snow bound Midlands it was the same story. In Warwickshire all the fee paying schools were open but all the State schools closed. Why is that?

It is simple. Fee paying schools are businesses who know that their paying customers have a right to a service. They are also aware that too many of those customers have two working parents as a matter of necessity so steep are the fees. Those parents will have been at work on Monday despite the snow so would have been seriously inconvenienced by a school closure. Public schools are run in the interests of customers, parents and kids.

State schools drone on about "clients" ad nauseam but the reality is that they are run for the benefit of grossly overpaid and lazy teachers. Hence they have five INSET days when kids are sent home during term so teachers can keep up to speed in the latest ways of teaching transgender awareness or global warming. This deprives the kids of a week's education and inconveniences the parents.

How about holding the INSET days in the 13 weeks of annual holiday which teachers enjoy? Oh no, that would infringe on their rights. So across the Midlands state schools shut down on Monday citing, natch, Health & Safety issues and concerns about child safety. Tosh. Most roads were open and how many kids attending fee paying schools on Monday suffered any sort of H&S issue? Nil.

Snow is just another excuse for the greediest and laziest profession to have an extra day off.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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