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You are going to see typos tumble - my eyesight is the problem

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 29 January 2018

My glasses are falling apart so I finally accepted that I need a new pair and walked into the opticians a couple of weeks ago. When did you last have an eye test? Said the Lady., I really cannot remember. But now that I am forced to consider the issue I think that it must be almost ten years ago. Has your eyesight changed at all? Said the lady. Well now that you mention it....

For driving and other skills which require me to look more than a few yards my eyesight is fine. But for reading a book or peering at my laptop screen it is now all over the shop. It is actually easier to read and write with no glasses on at all so much has it changed. Since i am not a touch typist, I just bash away at the keys loudly and hard; I make errors and when reviewing my work I just miss them. That is particularly the case when the screen looks rather blurred.

The eye test revealed that my vision has worsened noticeably. The good news is that this is just part of ageing and in no way caused by diabetes. As things stand it has yet to damage my eyes. The really good news is that new glasses arrive this week. Prepare for a sharp reduction in the number of typos.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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