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Middle class women celebrate as more working class girls chucked on the dole in the name of feminism and progress

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 1 February 2018

I noted the other day the extraordinary way that those fighting the feminist cause really did not appear to give a stuff about working class girls and women suffering real exploitation, preferring to show masive outrage on behalf of middle class girls suffering far less. Now the feminazi movement moves up a gear and is today celebrating a victory which sees working class girls chucked onto the dole. Hooray, trebles all round in Islington!

I refer to the walk on girls in darts and the grid girls in Formula One all of whom are to be let go. Cheerleaders in soccer and American football you have been warned. The Middle Class feminist line is that good looking girls wandering around a sporting arena is degrading to women. "You would not want your daughter doing it!!" the shriek.

No, like other members of the middle classes my daughter is well educated and will, I hope earn, a lot of money as a lawyer, writer or the sort of nice middle class job which her parents have and I'd rather she did that than be a grid girl. But her privileged upbringing gives her a choice.

But I am conscious that many girls do not have that opportunity or privilege and so for them jobs may be far less well paid and rather mundane. Were circumstances different, would I want my daughter being a check out girl at Tesco? Not really.

For some of those daughters less fortunate than mine in terms of upbringing but blessed with decent looks there is a way to earn a good wage, a way out of poverty and it is to be a grid girl, or to walk on stage on the darts, or to be a glamour model. They are not forced to do it but some seize the chance - it is THEIR choice. Well not any more.

It is back to Tesco or unemployment but certainly a big cut in wages for the lot of them now. And so as they consider their, not very appealing, lack of career options and the fact that they are far less well off, the middle class sisterhood can celebrate another victory for the feminist cause.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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