Generally, as I hear the latest pronouncements on transgender issues or radical feminism, I just turn away in despair at how far and fast our society is sinking. What? Do I hear you all saying #Metoo?
We live in an incredibly tolerant society here in Britain with most of the great civil liberties battles having - thankfully - been won during the past fifty years. But just occasionally, for we folks on the right, it is worth getting some beer and popcorn ready and tuning in as the progressives tear each other apart.
And thus I note the turf war taking place on Hampstead Heath. The owner of the ponds up there, the City of London Corporation, has ruled that a human being with a penis but who is trans, that is to say, identifies himself/herself as a woman can use either the male or female changing rooms and also either the male only or female only pools as well as the mixed pool, which I would have thought was ideal.
A body of Radical Feminists thinks this is all wrong and as part of the Mayday 4 Women group are suggesting that the trans personnages should use only the male facilities. Naturally, for suggesting that persons with penises might not be women in the strictest sense of the word , these North London radical feminists who, you can bet are Guardian reading nutso lefties on every other issue, are being slammed as reactionary bigots by some members of the LGBT community as well as other figures in the liberal virtue signalling classes
In such debates I feel it is better not to intervene but to merely watch from the sidelienes with beer and popcorn as the virtue signallers tear each other apart.