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The real problem with Jeremy Corbyn's forced "mea culpa" on anti-semitism in the Labour Party is the Chakrabarti report

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 26 March 2018

As the Board of Deputies plans a protest at Westminster against anti-semitism in the Labour party the hand of Jeremy Corbyn is forced. After months of making excuses for all sorts of Jew Haters within his ranks now he faces the sort of PR disaster which forces him to admit that "there are pockets" of anti-semitism within the party. Deep pockets many of us would say.

But does that not beg a rather major question about the report into anti-semitism within Labour by, now Baroness, Shami Chakrabarti less than two years ago? It was widely regarded by the Jewish community as a whitewash after concluding that there were merely "occassionally toxic episodes" of anti-semitism but no endemic problem. That was clearly a lie but Sami was promptly made a member of the House of the Lords by Jezza for her good work which he praised fulsomely.

I doubt the liberal media will push Comrade Corbyn on this matter but surely he must now accept that Shami's report was if not a complete whitewash, then at least grossly inadequate in failing to address the real issue? In that vein surely he should apologise for welcoming and praising the document and ask the good Baroness to step down from his front bench at once and perhaps reconsider her membership of the House of Lords?

Will Corbyn admit that the Chakrabarti report was if not a whitewash and a cover up then, at least, a very poor piece of work indeed?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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